Releases: Unitech/pm2
Releases · Unitech/pm2
- Bun support - Fixes #5893 #5774 #5682 #5675 #5777
- Disable git parsing by default #5909 #2182 #5801 #5051 #5696
- Add WEBP content type for pm2 serve #5900 @tbo47
- Enable PM2 module update from tarball #5906 @AYOKINYA
- Fix treekil on FreeBSD #5896 @skeyby
- fix allowing to update namespaced pm2 NPM module (@org/module-name) #5915 @endelendel
- Fix terminal width when condensed cac8393
- Auto run tsx/ts files with bun binary instead of ts-node f122aab
- #5686 Switch from Travis CI to Github Actions
- #5680 Fixed reserved keyword for ES6 Strict Mode when Bundling @juaneth
- #5683 update badges
- #5684 auto switch light and dark mode logos
- #5678 Bugfix/deploy ecosystem filename extension / esm module default ecosystem config name @TeleMediaCC
- #5660 Fix matching logic for logs from namespace when lines = 0 @bawjensen
- fix "vulnerabilities" in axios module
- fix: replace non-working condition that blocks flush from clearing the logs #5533 @Sailboat265
- fix: ESM script loader #5524 @BlueWater86
- replace node-cron by croner (#5183 #5035)
- upgrade mocha deps
- fix pm2 report when daemon not running
- remove semver check for legacy node.js versions
- update node version in by using lts (#5201) + openrc
- replace legacy util._extend by Object.assign (#5239)
- add missing start options types (#5242)
- recursive detection of package.json (#5267)
- make tarball module uninstall cross-platform (#5269)
- Fix unnecessary "ENOENT" console.error when serving a spa (#5272)
- fix: used env variable instead of hardcode datetime format (#5277)
- copyright update (#5278)
- fix: remove constants import from VersionCheck (not needed) (#5279)
- Reduce async import (#5280)