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🚢Titanic Survival Prediction

📌 Project Overview

This project analyzes the Titanic dataset to predict passenger survival using various machine learning models. The dataset is preprocessed, explored, and evaluated through multiple classification algorithms.

📂 Dataset

The titanic dataset used is this project is fetched from Seaborn:

  • titanic.csv
  • Features include age, fare, pclass, sex, embarked, and others.

⚙️ Tech Stack

  • Languages & Libraries: Python, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, Plotly
  • ML Models: Logistic Regression, KNN, Random Forest, SVM, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes
  • Other Tools: Streamlit for visualization, GridSearchCV for hyperparameter tuning

🔍 Data Preprocessing

  • Handling missing values (mean/mode imputation)
  • Dropping columns having high missing values
  • Encoding categorical variables using OneHotEncoding
  • Normalization (MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler)

📊 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Count plots for survival distribution
  • Scatter plots for fare vs. age
  • Histograms of fares for different passenger classes
  • Boxplots for age and fare distribution
  • FacetGrid visualizations for survival analysis

🚀 Model Training & Evaluation

Models were trained using a pipeline approach:

  1. Preprocessing (Scaling + Encoding)
  2. Splitting Data (80% train, 20% test)
  3. Model Training (Logistic Regression, KNN, etc.)
  4. Hyperparameter Tuning (GridSearchCV for Logistic Regression)
  5. Evaluation Metrics:
    • Accuracy
    • Precision, Recall, F1 Score
    • Confusion Matrix
    • Cross-validation scores

🔥 Best Model Selection

  • The best model was Logistic Regression, achieving the highest accuracy of 83.7079%.
  • Logistic Regression with hyperparameter tuning performed well with an accuracy of 84.26966%.

📌 Deployment

  • The trained model is saved using joblib (titanic_trained_model.pkl).
  • The trained model is tested using sample data.
  • Streamlit is used for interactive visualizations.
  • Confusion matrices, survival rate visualizations, and EDA graphs are included.

📂 File Structure

      |-- dataset/
         |-- titanic.csv
         |-- cleaned_data.csv
      |-- notebook/
         |-- titanic.ipynb
         |-- titanic_trained_model.pkl
   |--  # Streamlit app
   |-- requirements.txt

🔧 Installation & Usage

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the Streamlit app:
    streamlit run

✨ Conclusion

  • Feature engineering and proper preprocessing significantly improve model performance.
  • Logistic Regression is the best-performing model for this dataset.
  • The project demonstrates an end-to-end machine learning pipeline, from data preprocessing to deployment.

🚀 Future Work:  Feature selection for better interpretability, and deploying a web-based ML model interface.

📧 Contact: [email protected]


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