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Twometer edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page contains troubleshooting tips for the various components involved in a good VR experience


Controllers are "teleporting" around a lot

This happens because the tracker cannot lock on to the glowing tracking sphere correctly. Try adjusting the color profile(s) of the glitching tracker(s), of try changing the brightness threshold.

Controllers randomly disconnecting or lagging

This can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • When the chip can't keep up with the load of computing the pose and updating it on the server, it may crash or lag. Make sure that you programmed the ESP8266 chip with 160 MHz, and not the default 80 MHz.
  • The connection between the server and the client is done using WiFi. Make sure that you have a strong and stable WiFi (no internet required, just a local WiFi) that allows UDP, and inter-machine communication. For more info on the ports and protocols, check the Networking page.
  • You have a broken solder joint or trace: This can happen from time to time with selfmade circuits, so check for any broken connections.

Oculus Rift DK 2

I am an Oculus DK2 user, and I had some problems with the setup, so here is my setup guide:

  1. Download the latest official Oculus app. Don't bother with the old beta runtimes (they produced lots of BSODs for me).
  2. Install this app with the headset completely disconnected. If you don't disconnect, it won't install, ask for computer restarts and in general be very annoying (ask me how I know).
  3. After installation is complete, skip all setup steps and ignore all "DK2 is not supported!!" warnings.
  4. In the Oculus app, under Settings -> General, enable unknown sources if it is not.
  5. Install SteamVR and the TVR driver using the installer script.


I developed this to play Beat Saber. However, getting a button click of the controllers through to Beat Saber is not as simple as it may seem, and to save you time, I have some simple setup steps for you so that it works flawlessly. This also works with any other game that uses the legacy controller map:

  1. Start SteamVR, connect everything and go to the Controller Settings.
  2. Open the Controller Mappings for Beat Saber in the window that pops up.
  3. Map Button A of the left and the right controller to the left and the right trigger, respectively.
  4. Important: In the second tab, select "Pretend to be controller" and set this to "Oculus Touch"!

That should be it.