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Connext Router track security advises

Here are a few security tips if you are planning to run a Router on Connext

Unexpected Docker/UFW Interaction -- Securing the Router's API Endpoint

Please be aware that Docker will override any UFW/iptables rules by default. If you're using the Docker Router, check to see if you're not accidentally exposing your Router API endpoint externally.

After configuring UFW on a server running the Docker Router to block ROUTER_EXTERNAL_PORT (defined in the .env file -- 8000 by default), we would expect the following to fail from an external machine:

curl http://x.x.x.x:8000/config

Instead, we receive a response indicating that the port is open.


One simple solution to edit the docker-compose.yml file to bind the exposed port to localhost, by changing:




Restart the Docker-Compose stack after making the change. The endpoint should now only be available from the machine running the Router -- try again from an external machine to make sure the change was successful.

Admin Token Best Practices

[To verify: is REST API still implemented in Amarok? Doc page seems to have been removed]

Each Router has an Admin Token, which is a string chosen by the operator and set in it the config.json file.

The Admin Token is used to authenticate requests made to the Router's REST API endpoint and must be kept secret.

If your Router's API endpoint is exposed to the public (see section Docker Port Mappings and UFW) and your Admin Token is compromised or vulnerable to brute forcing, you could leave yourself at risk of unauthorized access.

Be sure to use a sufficiently long token (50 characters or more) to avoid the possibility of a brute force attack. You can easily generate a secure token using pwgen with the following command:

pwgen -s 50 1

Optional: Move Admin Token Out of plaintext

The Admin Token is stored in plaintext in the Router's config.json file, so for additional security you may wish to follow the steps below to load your config.json into tmpfs before starting the Router, and unmount it after the Router is started. Keep in mind that using this method will require you to generate and move your configuration into tmpfs on each Router restart, and the old contents will be lost -- so don't forget to backup any important information first (e.g. your wallet mnemonic, if using one!)

  1. Create tmpfs:
    mount -t tmpfs -o size=100m tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs

  2. Move config file to tmpfs:
    mv config.json /mnt/tmpfs/config.json

  3. Change the volume point in docker-compose (use type bind):
    - /mnt/tmpfs/config.json:/home/node/router/config.json

  4. Run docker-compose

  5. Finally, unmount the tmpfs dir. After this step all data in /mnt/tmpfs/ will be lost:
    umount /mnt/tmpfs

Setting Recipient and Owner Addresses

In addition to the Router's own signing address, each Router is associated with a Recipient and Owner address. These are configured in the respective Connext Handler contracts of each chain.

  • Recipient: Whenever liquidity is removed from the Router, the funds will be sent to this address. The rationale is that if an attacker were to compromise your Router, they would at best be able to withdraw your funds to the Recipient address (which you hopefully still control). We advise that the recipent address would a hardware wallet.

  • Owner: Only the Owner has the ability to change the Recipient and Owner addresses.

The Recipient and Owner addresses can be changed by calling the corresponding write methods on the Connext Handler contract (setRouterRecipient and proposeRouterOwner/acceptProposedRouterOwner respectively) from the Owner address. This must be done on each chain supported.

It's HIGHLY recommended that you set your Recipient and Owner addresses to something different from your Router's signing address, and to use a hardware wallet. Since the Recipient and Owner private keys are not accessed by or stored on the Router, simply compromising your Router would not be enough for an attacker to access your funds -- they would need one or both of these keys also.

Please be aware that each Router's Recipient and Owner addresses can be publicly queried from the Connext Handler contract.

Protecting Your Router's Private Key

A little more research needed: any specific problems (eg: griefing, double spend) either for individual operator or network/users that result from a compromised Router colluding with a user? Or is it just best practices?

Avoid operating your Router with your private key or mnemonic stored in plaintext. While it's possible to use a mnemonic in config.json or stored unencrypted in a key.yml file (as in key.example.yml), these should be considered for testing purposes only.

Instead, use one of the supported Web3Signer methods. Using an external KMS that explicitly whitelists Web3Signer will allow you to move your private key out of plaintext and off your Router server entirely.

Web3Signer supports a variety of external key vaults and HSMs. Consult the official docs to get started, but if you need help getting up and running with a specific method, please feel free to reach out on our Discord... chances are we can connect you with another operator who's already gone through the setup process!

Whenever you are joining a crypto project we advise that you should use a brand new wallet each time. You can generate a private key using the following command: openssl rand -hex 32 > private_key.json

Protect Your Router's IP Address

Consider using a setup that doesn't expose your Router IP Address to the public. For example, many cloud providers support features like virtual private networks, private instances and Cloud NATs. An example setup might look like this:

  Router <-----> Cloud NAT <-----> Internet
Key Vault

To connect to your router host machine you can use a bastion server (jump server) to access it. A great tool for directly access your host machine is teleport

To have a deep dive understanding how private network works: ALT text

As you can see in the digram above you can't directly access your router. You can only do this through the bastion server and then you can connect to the router host. The Router is accesing the internet through NAT using it as gateway.

Using this configuration is less prone to attacks that would compromise your router host.

Further reading:
AWS docs: Private Instances, Cloud NAT
GCP docs: Private VPC, Cloud NAT

If you are connecting straight from internet to your VM using SSH you should consider the following options:

  • Use a private key to connect to the VM instead of a password
  • Change the default ssh port from port 22 to any other port (for example 9922), there are a lot of bots scraping on the internet for port 22
  • Disable ssh root login
  • Restrict ssh access using iptables(ufw), be careful because you can get locked outside your VM. You should only allow your host public ip address to connect to the router VM








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