Authors: Ben Hurst, Justin Hedani, Greg Schundler, Lance Warrick
Version: 0.1.0
Back-end GitHub Repo:
Front-end Tools: React, Mapbox GL JS, and D3 (VictoryJS)
Truth Tree is an interactive, GIS-based data visualization tool presenting the breakdown of government spending and related metrics in an effort to provide a unified resource to gauge public investment effectiveness.
Our long-term goal is a community-driven platform where registered users can create their own data visualizations, publish stories, compare trends, and engage with the public and policymakers on the issues that matter most.
Key Features:
React.js components will be configured to consume TruthTreeAPI endpoints. State and County statistics will be dynamically loaded with current data from API call.
Interactive map rendered using Mapbox GL and a custom GeoJSON modification/generation script (assets/
Charts enabled by VictoryJS.
Phase One efforts consist of converting the Atkinson School of Management's Government Finance Database (State & County datasets for the time being) into a highly accessible and interactive web application to provide a baseline exploration tool.
If you're interested in contributing, we reccomend checking out the following resources:
- Democracy Lab Profile
- Government Finance Database
- IHME Opioid Study (Our Phase One efforts will be based heavily on presenting a similar tool with the GFD dataset)
Other useful references:
As a preliminary proof of concept, this repo generates a chloropleth map presenting state correctional spending (total, per capita, and as a percent of total expenditures). Aside from general cleanup, we could use much help in:
- Integrating the front-end to dynamically call (perhaps through a typeahead-driven form) a specified column in the dataset (not just correctional spending) from the backend and render out the associated chloropleth on the frontend.
- Update the chloropeth layer to show county-level data on zoom ( This will require making appends to the county geojson file.
Key Blockers:
- In regards to time series analysis, county level data is only complete in years ending with a 2 or 7 (when a census on government financial statistics is conducted). As a consequene, interim years only contain about half of the ~3000 counties in the country. Reference pg. 3-4 of The Government Finance Database research article
- The geojson file for counties was compiled in 2010. However, counties periodically get redrawn. Thus, providing a sliding time scale on the map would require accounting for this discrepancy.
In a terminal instance:
git clone
cd ClientTruthTree/
yarn install
to install required dependencies.touch env
and add your Mapbox access key as src/assets/
pipenv shell
pipenv install
- Download State and County datasets from The Government Finance Database and place in assets/ directory.
- Download 20m State & County geojson files from and place in assets/ directory (rename
) python3
cd ../../
yarn start
1-15-2018 11:00am - Initial Scaffolding.