this git repository contains all the files required to setup and configure the smoothieboard.
Each motor is driven by a TMC4671+TMC6100-BOB board. These boards are configureable through SPI. To get the smoothieboard to configure the boards I had to write a new driver. The firmware.bin contains precompiled firmware for the board, but if you wish to compile the software yourself, check out the SPIDriver branch in my smoothieware fork: smoothieware repository
You can also choose to configure the board through other means, like a esp-32 board. Keep in mind that the settings in this repository are for a specific motor.
I used the Trinamic IDE software to get the correct settings. You can get the TMCL-IDE here. You will need a USB-2-RTMI or Landungsbruecke to communicate with the BOB board.
The designs for the linear motors can be found in the Linear Motor repository.