I’m a Senior Data Scientist 🥼 working in insurance 📝 with a focus on customer experience 🤗 data.
- 🔨 I’m working on the next version of the loopurrr 📦 package
- 📚 I’m currently learning JavaScript
- 🤔 I’m still looking for help with this shiny
- 🗣️ Ask me about
, Python
and Data Sience
- 💬 get in touch with me via
or Mastodon
- 🔗 Visit my website at: https://tim-tiefenbach.de/
- 📖 Read my latest blog post: Using a Data Dictionary to Recode Columns with dplyr
- 📢 Have a look at my repositories below ⬇️
In case my contributions
show a lot of inactivity:
Note, I often avoid working
on the main branches 😅
If you want to support me, buy me a tea 🍵😋
The “green tea” logo in the “buy me a tea” badge above was created by FELIX FX from Noun Project and is licensed under CC BY 3.0