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ThisIsTFS authored Oct 8, 2024
1 parent d86fc6c commit af9c2a9
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 0 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions main.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>

___ _ _ _
| __|__ _ ____ _ /_\ ______ ___ _ __ | |__| |___ _ _
| _|/ _` (_-< || | / _ \ (_-<_-</ -_) ' \| '_ \ / -_) '_|
|___\__,_/__/\_, | /_/ \_\/__/__/\___|_|_|_|_.__/_\___|_|
Designed by: M.H Aghaee - 0xTFS

#define MAX_CMD_LENGTH 1024

#define YELLOW "\033[33m"
#define RED "\033[31m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"

int file_exists(const char *filename) {
return access(filename, F_OK) == 0;

void handle_ld_output(FILE *fp, int verbose) {
char output_line[256];
while (fgets(output_line, sizeof(output_line), fp) != NULL) {
if (strstr(output_line, "warning: cannot find entry symbol _start") != NULL) {
printf(YELLOW "WAR: " YELLOW RED "Unable to find entry symbol (_start).\n" RESET);
} else {
printf("%s", output_line);

void print_verbose(const char *message) {
printf(YELLOW "VERBOSE: %s" RESET "\n", message);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf(RED " ___ _ _ _\n");
printf("| __|__ _ ____ _ /_\\ ______ ___ _ __ | |__| |___ _ _\n");
printf("| _|/ _` (_-< || | / _ \\ (_-<_-</ -_) ' \\| '_ \\ / -_) '_|\n");
printf("|___\\__,_/__/\\_, | /_/ \\_\\/__/__/\\___|_|_|_|_.__/_\\___|_|\n");
printf(" |__/\n" YELLOW " BY: M.H Aghaee - 0xTFS\n\n" RESET);
printf("Usage: asm <filename.s/.asm> [Switches]\n");
printf(" -nof | --no-output-file .o and executable files will be deleted\n");
printf(" after running the code.\n");
printf(" -g | --gdb-debug run the assembly through gdb.\n");
printf(" -v | --verbose verbose mode.\n");
printf(" easm helloworld.asm -nof -v -g\n");
printf(" easm helloworld.asm --no-output-file --verbose --gdb-debug\n \n");
return 1;

int remove_output_files = 0;
int debug_mode = 0;
int verbose_mode = 0;

for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nof") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--no-output-file") == 0) {
remove_output_files = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-g") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--gdb-debug") == 0) {
debug_mode = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) {
verbose_mode = 1;
} else {
printf(RED "ERR: Unknown argument: %s\n" RESET, argv[i]);
return 1;

char *dot = strrchr(argv[1], '.');
if (dot == NULL || (strcmp(dot + 1, "s") != 0 && strcmp(dot + 1, "asm") != 0)) {
printf(RED "ERR:" RED YELLOW " Unsupported file extension. Please use .s or .asm\n" RESET);
return 1;

snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%.*s", (int)(dot - argv[1]), argv[1]);

if (!file_exists(argv[1])) {
printf(RED "ERR:" RED YELLOW " provided file not found: %s\n" RESET, argv[1]);
return 1;

struct utsname unameData;
char *arch = unameData.machine;

char *nasm_format;
if (strcmp(arch, "x86_64") == 0) {
nasm_format = "elf64";
} else if (strcmp(arch, "i686") == 0 || strcmp(arch, "i386") == 0) {
nasm_format = "elf32";
} else {
printf(RED "ERR:" RED YELLOW " Unsupported system architecture: %s\n" RESET, arch);
return 1;

if (strcmp(nasm_format, "elf32") == 0) {
FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!file) {
printf(RED "ERR:" RED YELLOW " Failed to open file.\n" RESET);
return 1;

while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
if (strstr(line, "r8") || strstr(line, "r9") ||
strstr(line, "rax") || strstr(line, "rbx") ||
strstr(line, "rcx") || strstr(line, "rdx") ||
strstr(line, "rsi") || strstr(line, "rdi") ||
strstr(line, "mov r")) {
printf(RED "ERR: The provided assembly code is not supported by your system's architecture.\n" RESET);
return 1;

char nasm_cmd[MAX_CMD_LENGTH], ld_cmd[MAX_CMD_LENGTH];
snprintf(nasm_cmd, sizeof(nasm_cmd), "nasm -f %s %s.%s", nasm_format, fileName, dot + 1);
snprintf(ld_cmd, sizeof(ld_cmd), "ld %s.o -o %s 2>&1", fileName, fileName);

if (verbose_mode) print_verbose("Running NASM command...");
if (system(nasm_cmd) != 0) {
printf(RED "ERR: NASM compilation failed.\n" RESET);
return 1;

if (verbose_mode) print_verbose("Running linker command...");
FILE *ld_fp = popen(ld_cmd, "r");
if (ld_fp == NULL) {
perror("popen failed");
return 1;

handle_ld_output(ld_fp, verbose_mode);

char exec_file[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH + 3];
snprintf(exec_file, sizeof(exec_file), "./%s", fileName);

if (file_exists(exec_file)) {
if (verbose_mode) print_verbose("Running the executable...");
} else {
printf(RED "ERR: Executable file not found: %s\n" RESET, exec_file);

if (debug_mode) {
char gdb_cmd[MAX_CMD_LENGTH];
snprintf(gdb_cmd, sizeof(gdb_cmd), "gdb -q %s", exec_file);
if (verbose_mode) print_verbose("Running gdb...");

if (remove_output_files) {
char object_file[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH + 2];
snprintf(object_file, sizeof(object_file), "%s.o", fileName);

if (verbose_mode) print_verbose("Removing output files...");
if (remove(object_file) != 0) {
perror(RED "ERR: Failed to remove object file.\n" RESET);
if (remove(exec_file) != 0) {
perror(RED "ERR: Failed to remove executable file.\n" RESET);

return 0;

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