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Start Screen image Loading Screen image Game Screen image Game Over Screen image Leader Board Screen image


Skills Learned

  • FireStore
  • Utilize Google FireBase as BaaS for my leader board
  • Learnt NoSQL
  • Realtime live update when database is changed
  • React custom hooks
  • NextJS: Page Routing, Link, Head, Image,
  • Learning Figma after switching from Adobe XD
  • Loading Screen


The first beneficial change I made was using Figma instead of Adobe XD. Although both have the same capabilities, I can easily pull out my Figma designs over the browser. It also offers direct CSS information which made creating the design much faster. I am looking into playing with Framer as my next prototyping tool. It has a perfect library called Framer Motion that I hope can make designing website even faster.

One thing that I really found fascinating to learn was using Firebase's Firestore. I put it off due to fearing it will be very complicated but after playing around and creating a realtime live update leader board page, I learned that it's so, so easy to use! As I learn more as a web developer, it becomes a bit harder to try new libraries, frameworks, or tools. But in doing so, I limit my capabilities. Learning Firebase was a right choice I made and to you reading this, don't stop learning something because of fear of difficulty. It will get easier with time.

I am very happy with this project overall because I exceeded my expectations in many areas. I, at first, considered the game to be a very simple image shuffle and simply reset the score when game over. But now, I have added a actual Live leader board! That to me really fascinates me. People can actually play it! Wow! I also added levels, shuffle animations, a gameover page, a loading page, and a start page.

I like that I challenged myself to push the expectations of a project beyond the usual. I created a project that I am quite happy with :)

Changes I Want To Make Next

  • Although the project was completed well, I neglected daily session planning where I reflect every 20-30 minutes and plan my next goals; I neglected my life in areas of reading and journaling and will be going back to it.
  • I will continue to push the standards of expectation a bit further in myself everytime. I hope that in my next few projects, I want to create a two player game.
  • Do better organization in my code and do this more often. I ended up spending more time debugging than writing.
  • Use Framer Motion and Framer!


This project was completed from May 31st, 2021 - June 11th, 2021, dedicating about 6-8 hours everyday, in total 72 - 96 hours.


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