A script to scrape job offers from BEP's offer page. This script uses Selenium to access the webpage, BeautifulSoup to parse the webpage's data and an SQLite3 database to save the data. The script's RESTful API and front-end use Flask.
Execute the following command to install the required python packages (I recommend installation in a python virtual environment):
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You also need the Geckodriver executable in your PATH or the script's working directory to run the scrapper.
python3 scrapper_selenium.py
python3 rest.py
The API and the front-end are set to listen in port 5002. The front-end search through category feature is incomplete and may lag some browsers while performing a search.
Open your browser and type the following in the address bar:
Search Type | API method |
List all the offers in the DB | /jobs |
Search offers through types | /search/type/search_query |
Search offers through contract type | /search/contract/search_query |
Search offers through career | /search/career/search_query |
Search offers through category | /search/category/search_query |
Search offers through district | /search/district/search_query |
Search offers through organization | /search/org/search_query |
Search offers through academic skills | /search/skills/search_query |
Search offers through expire date | /search/expire/search_query |