Basic chips implementation. Still in very early development, interfaces, names and behaviour may change considerably in upcoming releases.
Ideally this library should follow material design spec but most of the details are still not implemented.
[ ](https://bintray .com/tengioltd/maven/android-chips/_latestVersion)
dependencies {
By adding locations library dependency you will automatically get the following dependencies:
compile ''
compile ''
Add ChipsView to the layout, like this:
< android:id="@+id/custom_chips"
When you get a reference to the ChipsView you can add a list of Chips (Interface for any kind of model that you want to pass through).
You can also register listeners to receive callbacks when chips are removed from the list.
chipsView.setOnChipRemovedListener(new OnChipRemovedListener() {
public void onRemoved(Chip chip) {
We use bintray to deploy changes to jcenter. To deploy a new version make sure to define BINTRAY_USER and BINTRAY_KEY variables. Then run:
gradle bintrayUpload