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"Sulamot" app for the Jewish Bookshelf

An Android application providing accessibility to the texts of the jewish book shelf with various options that function as a search engine for texts (mekorot) within the Jewish Bookshelf.

We're accessing the jewish book shelf via a linked data set built on top on RDF using SPARQL. The jewish book shelf linked data sets consists of the following:

  • Defining a JBS ontology (classes and properties).
  • Representing the structure of various Jewish texts in RDF format, based on the defined ontology.
  • Conducting text analysis tasks, and representing the results in RDF.

Basic app flow

  • Getting the text of Parasha/Perek from the Tanach.
  • Selecting psukim (verses), or selecting all the psukim.
  • Viewing mekorot connecting to a set of psukim selected.
  • Liking a makor puts in in the favorites section (tab).
  • Clicking on a makor in the mekorot tab takes you to the makor view.
  • Accessing the settings screen is enabled via the main screen (And enables you to change font family and size).
  • Viewing Mekorot highlights according to the set of psukim chosen is possible via the makor view.

pptx Presentation


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Table of Contents

Installation Instructions
Technologies used in this Project
Project structure
General application flow
Further UI tweaking
Creating new Queries
Executing queries

Installation instructions

Technologies used in this Project

The project uses SPARQL queries to gather the data and show it in a convenient way.

Then open the project in Android Studio. We recommend using Android Studio version 3.

Project structure


  • androjena_0.5 - Androjena is an Android port of Hewlett-Packard's Jena Semantic Framework
  • arqoid_0.5 - ARQoid is an Android port of Hewlett-Packard's ARQ SPARQL Query Engine
  • arqoid_0.5_sources
  • icu4j-3.4.5 - ICU4J is a set of Java libraries that provides more comprehensive support for Unicode
  • iri-0.8 - Support for Internationalised Resource Identifiers in Jena
  • lucenoid_3.0.2 - Lucenoid is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library
  • slf4j-android-1.6.1-RC1 - The Simple Logging Facade for Java
  • volley - Enables post/get requests to a remote server

Note: all these jars are not exported via the build.gradle file, but were manually added to the project. Also note that they all required for the operation of the Androjena library. These jars were built from sources as explained here.


  • SplashActivity - Splash screen while queries that extract parasha/perek labels are being loaded, and the application cache is being validated.
  • NavActivity - Activity that holds all of the tabs (Mekorot, Psukim) and the Navigation Drawer.
  • ResultsActivity - Activity that shows the contents of a specific Makor.
  • FavoritesActivity - Activity that shows the contents of a favorite Makor in which you can share your Makor in either a text or link format.
  • SettingActivity - Settings activity for choosing font families and sizes.


  • FavoritesRecyclerViewAdapter - Adapter for the favorites tab.
  • MekorotRecyclerViewAdapter - Adapter for the mekorot tab.
  • PsukimRecyclerViewAdapter - Adapter for the psukim tab.
  • ViewPagerAdapter - Simple implementation of a view pager adapter.
  • ResultsCollectionPageAdapter - Adapter for the results pager which allows swiping between results.


  • FetchHighlightsForMakorTask - Fetch psukim to highlight indices in a makor (based on psukim list and a makor).
  • FetchMekorotByScoreTask - Fetch Mekorot by score given a set of psukim.
  • FetchParashotAndPrakimTask - Fetch all Parashot and Prakim.
  • FetchPsukimTask - Fetch psukim from a given perek or parasha.
  • FetchPsukimBySubstrTask - Fetch all the psukim for a given sub string.
  • PostRequester - Allows asynchronous POST requests functionality.


  • MekorotTab - Implementation of the mekorot tab.
  • PsukimTab - Implementation of the psukim tab.


  • CategoryModel - Stores makor category information. (name, number of references)
  • MakorModel - Stores makor information (name, author, text, number of psukim mentions, uri)
  • ParashotAndPrakim - Stores Parashot and Prakim.
  • PasukModel - Stores pasuk information (text, label, uri, whether the pasuk is selected)
  • ResultModel - Stores the information for a result (text, title, uri)
  • ErrorModel - Stores information of an error report (makor uri, issue_text, free_text, type, range)


  • PrakimParashotListDialog - Dialog that is activated by the FAB in the main activity.


  • FontUtils - Used for font functionalities (setting size, setting text font)
  • PreferencesUtils - Used in order to store information in the shared preferences.
  • WholeWordIndexFinder - Used in order to match keyword in search strings (used for makor highlighting).
  • IndexWrapper - Used to wrap indices in the WholeWorldIndexFinder (used for makor highlighting).
  • AutoResizeTextView - Used to display a title element with dynamic font size (for results with long titles).


  • Cacheable - An abstract class to define an interface for a cacheable object.
  • DataManager - A class that abstracts the source of the data (cache, remote) and manages caching functionality.
  • InternalStorage - A class that exposes an interface to local device IO functions.
  • MekorotForPsukim - Implements Cacheable, wraps the async fetch functionality for the DataManager and stores the data.
  • PsukimForParasha - Same as MekorotForPsukim but for different data.

other classes

  • JBSQueries - Contains all SPARQL queries used in the project.


  • fonts - Contains all the fonts used in the project. // explain how to add new fonts, provide link to

General application flow

  • When the splash screen is loading, cached data validation is performed. Any cached data that wasn't used for more than 2 weeks is deleted. Also, We're executing the FetchParashotAndPrakimTask in order to get the prakim and parashot.
  • Entering the NavActivity we're seeing a FAB. Clicking on it lets us choose a perek or a parasha. Once chosen the FetchPsukimTask is called or the data is read from the cache, in order to get the relevant psukim.
  • Once we've chosen a set of psukim we click on the Mekorot tab and the FetchMekorotByScoreTask is called or the data is read from the cache, in order to get the relevant mekorot and their filtering options.
  • Finally, clicking on a specific Makor we enter the MakorDetailView activity and call the FetchHighlightsForMakorTask in order to get the psukim highlights for the specific makor (based on our psukim selection from phase 2 in the flow).
  • Clicking on a highlighted text, or manually selecting text allows the user to report an error, in case he found one.

Further UI tweaking

  • App colors and styling can be changed easily from values/styles.xml and values/colors.xml.
  • App texts and strings can also be easily modified from values/strings.xml.
  • App dimensions on specific UI elements can be tweaked form values/dimens.xml.

How to add and execute new SPARQL queries

In order to create and execute new Queries, you will first have to add your query to and afterwards have a look at any of the async classes aforementioned. (Thorough explanation below of the doInBackground method - mind the comments)

ArrayList<String> queryResults = new ArrayList<>();
try {
	// In this case params[0] will be the query you want to execute
	// Taken from the JBSQueries class.
    QueryEngineHTTP queryEngineHTTP = new QueryEngineHTTP(JBSQueries.JBS_ENDPOINT,
    try {
    	// Executing the select
        ResultSet rs = queryEngineHTTP.execSelect();
        // Going over the result set.
        while (rs.hasNext()) {
            QuerySolution rb = rs.nextSolution();
            // According to the query you've executed you will receive a query solution
            // From this query solution you can extract the desired keywords
            String span = rb.get("YOUR_KEYWORD_HERE").toString();
            // Saving the desired output into an an list.
    } finally {
    	// Close the queryEngineHTTP stream.

} catch (Exception err) {

Executing queries

Any queries written in can be easily executed in the following link:

All you'll have to do is define the following:

Cacheable Data

  • The caching feature allows storing SPARQL responses locally on the device, providing a smoother user experience by skipping the long wait for queries that can take up to 20 seconds.
  • Cacheable data lifetime is 2 weeks from the last time that the data was requested.
  • The following models are included in the caching mechanism: -- MekorotForPsukim: The Mekorot results for a set of Psukim -- PsukimForParashaPerek: The relevant Psukim to the chosen Perek/Parasha -- CategoryToBooks: The mapping between one Category to a set of Books

How to add a new cacheable data object

The heaviest remote data requests are already being saved into the cache to allow better user experience, although the DataManager architecture enables the developer to add any other data to the cache for future use. To add a cacheable data object:

public class MekorotForPsukim extends Cacheable {
    // Data specific members
    private ArrayList<String> mPsukimList;
    private ArrayList<Object> mMekorotModelCategoryArray;
    private String mMekorotQuery;
    private boolean mShouldFilter;
    // End of data specific members
    private Fragment mOwnerFrag;

    public MekorotForPsukim(ArrayList<String> mPsukimList, Fragment mOwnerFrag, boolean shouldFilter, String mekorotQuery) {
        this.mPsukimList = mPsukimList;
        this.mOwnerFrag = mOwnerFrag;
        mShouldFilter = shouldFilter;
        mMekorotQuery = mekorotQuery;

    public String getKey() {
    	// Return a unique key per different data
	// The following examples creates a unique hash string per query
        return "MEKOROT_FOR_PSUKIM_" + mMekorotQuery.toString().hashCode() * (mShouldFilter ? -1 : 1);

    public ArrayList<Object> getData() {
        return mMekorotModelCategoryArray;

    public void setData(Object data) {
        mMekorotModelCategoryArray = (ArrayList<Object>) data;

    public void FetchDataAsync(Runnable onComplete) {
        String categoriesQuery = JBSQueries.getCategoriesByPsukimWithReferenceNumber(
        FetchMekorotByScoreTask fetchMekorotByScoreTask = new FetchMekorotByScoreTask(mOwnerFrag, mShouldFilter, this, onComplete);
        fetchMekorotByScoreTask.execute(mMekorotQuery, categoriesQuery);

An instance such as the above can now be managed by the DataManager, saved in cache and read from it in case it is found in the cache. A callback function allows running code when the DataManager completes retrieving the data.

	final MekorotTab selfie = this;
        final MekorotForPsukim mekorotForPsukim = new MekorotForPsukim(mPrefixedPsukimUris, this, false, mekorotQuery);
        Runnable onComplete = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                mMekorotCategories = new TreeMap<>();
                mMekorotModels = (HashMap<String, MakorModel>) mekorotForPsukim.getData().get(0);
                ArrayList<CategoryModel> categoryModels = (ArrayList<CategoryModel>) mekorotForPsukim.getData().get(1);
                for (CategoryModel cm : categoryModels)
                    mMekorotCategories.put(cm.getCategoryName(), cm);
        DataManager dataManager = new DataManager(this.getContext());
        dataManager.getData(mekorotForPsukim, onComplete);


  • some queries are parametized, therefore you will need to replace the variables with actual strings.
  • Other queries you can play around with can be found here: Google Doc

Remote Linux Server

As a part of the error reporting feature we added to the project, a remote linux server is initialized and installed with local MySQL to store the error reports which arrive from the application users. The following section will describe the following:

  • Initializing the linux server
  • Installing and configuring the necessary packages on the server
  • Installing local MySQL DB
  • Installing and running Apache2
  • Installing and configuring PHP
  • Creating web interface for the local MySQL using phpMyAdmin tool

Initialize the linux server

  • Updating and upgrading all the existing packages:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Install MySQL:

$ sudo apt-get mysql-server

Installing and configuring Apache2

$ sudo apt-get install apache2
$ sudo ufw app list
$ sudo ufw allow 'Apache Full'

Install php7.0

$ sudo apt-get install php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0 
$ sudo a2enmod php7.0
$ sudo service apache2 restart

Install phpMyAdmin

$ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext
  • During the installation you will be required to define a username and password.
  • When asked, select "Configure with Apache2"
  • When asked, choose to set up database with dbconfig-common

Configure the SQL DB:

  • run the mysql, create the database and the table, create user and grant permissions:
$ mysql -u root -p
[root password]
$ create database mekorot;
$ grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop on mekorot.* to 'phpmyadmin'@localhost
  • In order to create the 'mekorot' table, please use the phpMyAdmin tool as explained below.

  • It is recommended to create a dedicated user for the mekorot database and not to use the root user for remote access to the DB due to security reasons.

  • Further instructions will refer to the SQL DB user as [SQL_USER]

  • Server should now be up and running, and the SQL is accessible through the phpMyAdmin.

Creating a PHP file that allows connection to the SQL DB (dbconnection.php)

  • The following php file should be placed at the server directory /var/www/db/ This file creates the object "$dbconnection" which allows accessing the local database from other php files, and the access to it is only enabled locally.
  • (Please notice that parameters with [] are macros that should be replaced with the corresponding info)
	header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');


	try {
	    $dbconnection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=mekorot', $db_username, $db_password, array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true
	} catch(PDOException $e) {

	$dbconnection->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");


Creating the php report error interface (db_functions.php)

This file should be placed at /var/www/db/

	header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

	require_once "dbconnection.php";

	function reportError($makorUri, $makorRange, $issueText, $freeText, $reportType)
	    global $dbconnection;


	    $stmt = $dbconnection->prepare('INSERT INTO error_reports 
					  VALUES (:makor_uri, :makor_range, :issue_text, :free_text, :report_type, NOW())');
	    $result = $stmt->execute(array(':makor_uri' => $makorUri, ':makor_range' => $makorRange, ':issue_text' => $issueText,
		':free_text' => $freeText, ':report_type' => $reportType));

	    if ($result != true)
		return false;

	    return true;

Creating the php interface for the android application (error_report.php)

  • This file should be placed at /var/www/html/
  • This file is the endpoint for the android application.
	require_once "../db/db_functions.php";

	$result = false;
	$message = "";

	if (!isset($_POST['makor_uri']) || !isset($_POST['report_type']))
	    $message = 'error_report.php: lacks necessary POST parameters.';
	    goto result;

	$makorUri = $_POST['makor_uri'];
	$makorRange = $_POST['makor_range'];
	$issueText = $_POST['issue_text'];
	$freeText = $_POST['free_text'];
	$reportType = $_POST['report_type'];

	$result = reportError($makorUri, $makorRange, $issueText, $freeText, $reportType);

	echo json_encode(array('result' => $result, 'error' => !$result, 'message' => $message,
	    'params' => array($makorUri, $makorRange, $issueText, $reportType)));

PostRequester Class

  • This class simplifies the POST request API, using Volley library for html requests.


public PostRequester(Context context) Constructor

public void SendRequest(final String URL, final Map<String, String> Params, final Runnable OnResponse, final Runnable OnError)

  • Dispatches the asynchrouos POST request to the given URL, adding the supplied Parameters (Params).
  • Upon request reponse and after parsing the response ends successfully, the OnResponse callback is invoked.
  • Upon any error in the request or during it's parse, the OnError callback is invoked.
  • Usage example: the following method reports an error to the remote server
private void reportError(ErrorModel error) {
        final ResultsActivity selfie = this;
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("makor_uri", error.makorUri);
        params.put("makor_range", error.makorRange);
        params.put("issue_text", error.issueText);
        params.put("free_text", error.freeText);
        params.put("report_type", error.reportType.toString());

        Runnable onResponse = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (mProgressDialog.isShowing())
                Toast.makeText(selfie, "דיווח נשלח בהצלחה", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        Runnable onError = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (mProgressDialog.isShowing())
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "דיווח שגיאה נכשל", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        PostRequester postRequester = new PostRequester(this);
        postRequester.SendRequest("", params, onResponse, onError);
  • The POST request response is stored inside the PostRequest class member: private org.json.JSONObject JsonObject;

Major changes

Results filtering by categories

  • Filtering the results is a common action for the user. In the previous implementation, for each filtering selection a new query would be dispatched, taking notable time to return.
  • The current implementation uses the relational structure of Mekorot and Categories to infer the relevant set of Mekorot per selected filtering category.
  • Explanation of the filtering flow:
  1. User filters results, he selects one or more categories
  2. Creating a set of Books, by using the mapping Category -> Set of Books for each category
  3. Create the set of filetered Mekorot, by using the mapping Makor -> Book. each makor with a book that appears in the books set from step 2 is included in the filetered Mekorot set.

Crowd sourcing

  • Error reporting feature, runs in the Results screen, allowes users to report errors about the result.
  • Reporting is enabled through the menu, or through highlighted text or manual user text selection.
  • The application instances a data model with the error details and reports it to the remote server.
  • The error is sent to the remote server using the PostRequester class.
  • The error reporting code runs through the ResultsActivity, through the menu flow, through highlighted text click callback, and through a custom menu that appears when user manually selects text from the result text.
  • Highlighted text callback is instanced inside the method highlightPsukim.
  • The custom menu that appears during user manual text selection is defined by using setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback which is a class method of TextView. An important note about custom menu - the only device that doesn't support the custom menu is MIUI4 (Xiaomi MI 4)
  • Managing the reported errors is enabled through the phpMyAdmin interface.


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