Project Name Springbootk, backend rest APi for a mock e-school platform.
This project implements a system for managing courses, instructors, and students, enabling CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and providing functionalities for retrieving specific course details and instructor information. It utilizes JPA (Java Persistence API) for data persistence and RESTful APIs for data access.
Course: courseId (int, primary key): Unique identifier for the course. courseName (String): Name of the course. courseDescription (String): Detailed description of the course. students (Set, many-to-many relationship with Student): Enrolled students in the course. instructor (Instructor, one-to-many relationship with Instructor): The instructor who teaches the course. Instructor: insId (int, primary key): Unique identifier for the instructor. insName (String): Name of the instructor. insTitle (String): Instructor's title (e.g., Professor, Lecturer). insDepartment (String): Department the instructor belongs to. insEmail (String): Email address of the instructor. courses (Set, many-to-many relationship with Course): Courses taught by the instructor. Student: studId (int, primary key): Unique identifier for the student. studName (String): Name of the student. studDepartment (String): Department the student belongs to. studEmail (String): Email address of the student. courses (Set, many-to-many relationship with Course): Courses enrolled in by the student. Technologies Used
Java Spring Boot JPA (Hibernate/EclipseLink) Spring Data JPA RESTful APIs Project Structure
src/main/java/ com/yourpackage/ entities/ repositories/ services/ controllers/ pom.xml (Replace com/yourpackage with your actual package name)
Building and Running the Project
Clone the repository: Bash git clone Use code with caution. Navigate to the project directory: Bash cd your-project-name Use code with caution. Build the project using Maven: Bash mvn clean install Use code with caution. Run the application using Spring Boot: Bash mvn spring-boot:run Use code with caution. The application will typically start on port 8080 by default. You can access the RESTful APIs at http://localhost:8080/your-api-endpoint (replace your-api-endpoint with the specific endpoint you're targeting).
Supported Endpoints and Functionality
Courses: Create a new course (POST /courses) Get all courses (GET /courses) Get details of a specific course by ID, including dynamically populated instructor and student information (GET /courses/{id}) Update an existing course (PUT /courses/{id}) Delete a course (DELETE /courses/{id}) Instructors: (Similar logic for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations) Create a new instructor (POST /instructors) Get all instructors Get details of a specific instructor by ID Update an existing instructor Delete an instructor Students: (Similar logic for CRUD operations and dynamic population) Create a new student Get all students Get details of a specific student by ID Update an existing student Delete a student