This project is a Full Stack Todo List Application which is built using the MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, CSS, Javascript. It implements all the basic functionalities of a todo list, i.e, CRUD Operations (Create Read Update Delete).
- Users are able to Create new tasks.
- Users are able to Read the created tasks data.
- Users are able to Complete the task by checking off the task with a strike through.
- Users are able to Delete the task.
- Users are able to Update the tasks with many customized options. Users are able to View a Banner with current date-time.
- Users can Check the count of remaining tasks, Complete all tasks together, Delete all completed tasks together.
- Users can View All, Incomplete, Completed Tasks.
- Users can mark Due Date & Priority Levels for the Tasks.
- Library:
- cors
- dotenv
- ejs
- express
- mongoose
- nodemon
- express-ejs-layouts
- Framework: ExpressJS
- Database: MongoDB
- Version Control System: Git
- Programming / Scripting: JavaScript
- Front-End: HTML, CSS, EJS
- Runtime Environment: NodeJS
- Integrated Development Environment: VSCode