ERC721 collection of Robot-Mutants with integrated NFT marketplace and modifying features Video explanation here.
- General Info
- Test Already Deployed Contract And Frontend
- Set Up Goeli Test Network
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Requirements For Initial Setup
- Setup
- Room for Improvement
- Users can mint their unique robots
- Users can modify and create new robots from parts of 2 another robots
- Users can buy / sell robots from other users from integrated marketplace
Try already deployed contract and frontend here
It's required to use a Goerli test network in order to interact with this page, if you do not know how to do this, follow the instructions below
If you don't know how to do this just follow this guide (Only install and save your backup phrase)
You can use this or choose any other given on this forum
- hardhat - version 2.10.1
- node - version 16.15.0
- HTML, CSS and ES6 JS
- hh coverage
- slither
- solhint
- docgen
List the ready features here:
- Awesome Frontend
- Trillions of different robots combination. Every robot is totally unique!
- Modyfying feature. User can create new generation robot from two another robots!
- Build-in marketplace
$ cd technoir_directory
$ npm install
Create .env file inside project folder
- You can get your ethereum or testnet API key here,here or any other service that allow you to connect to the nodes
- You can get your private key from your wallet (
⚠️ Don't share your private key with untrusted parties⚠️ ) - You can get your etherscan API -key here.
- GEN_0_LIMIT specify by yourself
MUMBAI_API = <Mumbai API key>
MAINNET_API = <Mainnet API key>
PRIVATE_KEY = <Private key of your wallet u want to deploy contracts from>
ETHERSCAN_KEY = <Etherscan API key in order to verify your contracts>
GEN_0_LIMIT = <Limit of gen 0 robots to be created>
$ npm run test
$ npm run coverage
(🧐 Remember to have ether in your wallet to deploy contracts 🙄)
$ npm run mumbai
$ npm run mainnet
6. ✏️ Insert current contract address and constructor argument you're used while deployment into package.json
"mumbai:verify": "npx hardhat verify --network mumbai --contract contracts/RobotCore.sol:RobotCore [RobotCore.sol address] <Gen 0 limit>",
"mainnet:verify": "npx hardhat verify --network ethereum --contract contracts/RobotCore.sol:RobotCore [RobotCore.sol address] <Gen 0 limit>"
$ npm run mumbai:verify
or for mainnet
$ npm run mainnet:verify
Room for improvement:
- Go live Ethereum network
- Make great marketing
- Go OpenSea and other NFT marketplaces