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Synthlight edited this page Nov 24, 2022 · 5 revisions


Extracting Files

GUI tool: MHRUnpack
This also allows for selective extraction.

Or how extract files with RETool.
This is essentially what MHRUnpack does behind the GUI and is a more hand-on approach.

Where Shit Is

A lot of the base data for things like armor, weapons, recipes, items, etc, is all unser natives/STM/data.
natives/STM/data/Define/Player/Equip has armors 'n things, natives/STM/data/System/ContentIdSystem has petalaces, item data, etc.
Note: This is the BASE date. As in the raw list of the items and stats for each item. Not shared parameters used by each weapon.

natives/STM/player/UserData has parameters for SOME things, not all. For a lot of things you're going to need to learn how to make REFramework (REF) scripts.
This folder has things like PlayerUserDataSkillParameter.user.2, and PlayerUserDataItemParameter.user.2 which contain skill and item parameters respectively (again, not all of them).
There's some params for weapons, etc.

Collisions aren't supported yet but they live here: natives/STM/huntingMachine/hm**/***/shell/collision Other weapon specific stuff: natives/STM/huntingMachine/hm01/000/userdata/hm001_bullet_data.user.2

If you can't find what you want in those locations, you'll probably need to change it with REF.


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