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Gregory Brutsche edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 86 revisions

This editor works by allowing you to open files found in the MHW chunks and make changes to them.

You can download the editor from Github or Nexus.

Microsoft. NET Framework 4.7.2 is required to run the editor.

For exiting en masse, or importing/exporting, use the JSON saving/loading feature.

Table of Contents

Supported Formats

Type File Name
Arena Equipment .aeq
Argosy Trading .trdr
Armor Data (And Charms) .am_dat
Augment Costs (HR) .lbm_base, .lbm_skill
Augment Costs (MR) .new_lb, .new_lbr
Augment Custom Parts (MR) .cus_pa, .cus_par
Bounties .odr
Coatings .bbtbl
Collisions .col
Crafting Material Costs .eq_crt
Daily Skill Stuff .cat_skill
Decoration Grade Lottery .dglt
Decoration Lottery .diot
Default Item Lists (For New Game) .itlist
Endemic Size Definition (NOT Spawn Rules) .ransz
Equipment Store Unlock Data .sed
Equip Color .evsc
Festival Schedule .ysm
Food Entries .rfd
Gems (Aka. Decorations, Jewels) .sgpa
Guild Card Data (BG/Title/Pose/etc) .gcod
HH Music Skills/Notes .msk
HH Music Skills/Params .mske
Item Crafting Table .imk
Item Deliveries .stmp
Items .itm
Item Lottery .itlot
Item Params .plip
Kinsect .rod_inse
Kulve Taroth Item Grade Lottery .em117glt
Kulve Taroth Item Lottery .em117iot
Mantles .ask
Mantle Params .asp
Melder Exchange .mkex
Melder Item .mkit
Monster Enemy Info .emi
Monster Rage Params .dtt_agr
Monster Clagger Params .dtt_clawc
Monster Common Params .ecp
Monster Damage Attributes .dtt_eda
Monster Difficulty Params .dtt_dif
Monster Parts Group .dtt_epg
Monster Random Size Params .dtt_rsz
Monster Soften Params .dtt_msf
Monster Stamina Params .dtt_sta
Motion Blend Data .mbd
Palico Armors .oam_dat
Palico Weapons .owp_dat
Palico Model Flags .opst
Pendant Data .ch_dat
Plant Fertilizer .plfe
Plant Item .plit
Player Params .plp
Quest Rewards .rem
Quest Supply Box .supp
Recoil Mod Table .gun_sd
Reload Mod Table .gun_rd
Room Animal Slots .ranml
Safi'Jiiva Awakening .em104exp, .em104lb, .em104lbr, .em104wcd, .em104wud
Safi'Jiiva Item Grade Lottery .em104glt
Safi'Jiiva Item Lottery .em104iot
Scoutfly Params .gip
Sharpness .kire
Shell Table .shl_tbl
Shell Params .shlp
Shop List .slt
Skill Data (Is Set Bonus & Icon Color) .skl_pt_dat
Skill Data (Skill Parameters) .skl_dat
Skill Params (More Skill Parameters) .plsp
Small Monster Size Params .em_ss
Steam Reward List .srl
Tailraider Stuff .ex_map, .ex_rem
Upgrade Paths & Costs .eq_cus
Weapon Abilities (Shell, Phial, Dual-Element, etc) .wep_(wsd/wsl/glan/saxe)
Weapon Data .wp_dat/_g
Weapon Layered Augments .cus_otr, .cus_ou
Weapon Params .w{N}p

Supported but mostly unknown:

  • .arm_up
  • .emst
  • .rfur
  • .swer
  • .swpc
  • .swpi
  • .swpn
  • .trsr


To edit a file, you must first locate your chunk files and unchunk it. You can do so with JodoZT's MHW Nochunk tool. This will give you access to the specific file types noted above. You can then run the editor and open the file. After you have made changes, you either need to create or copy the file path and place it in your NativePC folder. The altered file will not function if not placed in the correct file path(case-sensitive).

More info on extracting files.

There are some simple things to note when attempting to edit files.

  1. Back up your save file. Period. Making changes you don't fully understand can result in permanent changes to your save file, rendering it useless or permanently preventing you from having access to ingame features. It's best to do so before making changes and before every single MHW update.
  2. Making changes can cause certain features to stop functioning or functioning correctly. If this happens you can either revert your changes or delete your altered file and start over. I suggest you keep an unaltered copy of the unchunked file around, just in case.
  3. Using older files after a MHW update can and will cause issues with your game. They need to be replaced whenever a new version is added to the chunks.
  4. Use common sense when altering files. Consider how your changes might effect other players. If you're doing something that might ruin their experience, DO NOT use these changes in multiplayer. A majority of players do not want to see you one shot a monster.

Extracting Game Files

More info on extracting files.
Where to get oo2core 7/8:
Warframe & Fallen Order both have it. Wherever you find it, here's known Good MD5s to verify against:

Direct link to it from Warframe's servers:

The file is distributed with Warframe's launcher, so if you install that (from their site, NOT Steam) you can pull it from the files. (Do not run the launcher, you don't need to DL the game, you just need the launcher installed as it's part of the launcher's files.)

If you get oo2core_9, just rename it to oo2core_8; it'll work, even if MHWNoChunk complains about the hash.

File/Source MD5 Notes
oo2core 8 (Fallen Order) 9b7f9e3e4931b80257da5e1b626db43a
oo2core 8 (Warframe [1]) c1a0dd317543035221327d44f07c3d06 Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final
oo2core 8 (Warframe [2]) 224df07f2fc2bd829f3b221bb5ef1a31 They updated the version it ships with.
oo2core 8 (Warframe [3]) 3169b48a9a2086e53c4493c03579902c Another update.
oo2core 9 (Warframe [4]) f2db01967705b62aecef3cd3e5a28e4d Just rename to oo2core_8.
oo2core 7 (Unknown) b486c6f46a3d802966d04911a619b2ed
oo2core 7 (CoD MW (2019)) 548800ca453904c9a892521a64d71f73 May need to rename to oo2core_8.

Thanks to JodoZT for some of these.

Command Line Params

  • path/to/file.ext
    • The editor will try to open the first passed as the first argument. This means it'll work with "Open With" and can be associated as the default program for X file.
  • -decrypt inFile outFile {key}
  • -encrypt inFile outFile {key}
    • Key is optional if the type is known. (Known keys and their file associations are here.)
  • -unlock
    • This unlocks most read-only fields the editor locks for json purposes. Beware that using these unlocked fields will cause problems with json export, since you are editing a field used to identify the row.

-decrypt/encrypt must be used by itself. The other params can be used together, and in any order.

To use the decrypt and encrypt function, type the command into a text file and save it as a .bat file. inFile is the name of the file you want to decrypt/encrypt. outFile is what you want to name the resulting file. Make sure its a different name. Make sure the .bat file is in the same folder as the MHW editor.
e.g. MHW-Editor.exe -decrypt C:\in.file C:\out.file
Understanding Command Line Arguments and How to Use Them

To use the unlock command make a shortcut of the MHW editor exe. Then right click said shortcut and click properties.You should see a target field. add the line "-unlock" to the end of it without the quotation marks. Save and exit. whenever you use the shortcut to open the editor, some previously uneditable fields should be able to be edited now.


This is more of a personal wishlist of things I may or may not add in the future. (Or things I'm working on.)
This is not set in stone.

  • Adding rows/data to existing files.
    • This is partially supported for some files, but it breaks json so isn't used in most in /equip/.
  • Paste.
    • Copy works out-of-the-box. You can paste into Excel or something easily. Paste is another story. It involves me having to write something from scratch to handle it, and it hasn't been a priority.
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