yarn add @wellyes/redux-kit
Library for reducing amount of redux code. Everything that you need is to call "builder" methods that will easly configure your app store.
- simply implements typescript-fsa.import { actionCreatorFactory } from '@wellyes/redux-kit'; const actionCreator = actionCreatorFactory('pokemons');
returns builder which allows to create async and sync actions.
const syncAction = actionCreator('sync'); const asyncAction = actionCreator.async< object, PokemonResponse, ErrorResponse >('async'); asyncAction.pending(); asyncAction.done(); asyncAction.failed();
- wrapper around method that allows to create async action handlers. Accepts appaxios
instance and returns actionWorker factory, which allows to create action workers.import { actionCreatorFactory, initWorker, AsyncActionCreators } from '@wellyes/redux-kit'; import axios from '@utils/axios'; const payloadedWorker = initWorker(axios); const actionCreator = actionCreatorFactory('pokemons'); export const pokemons: AsyncActionCreators<object, PokemonResponse, ErrorResponse> = actionCreator.async< object, PokemonResponse, ErrorResponse >('all'); export const pokemonsWorker = (limit: number, offset: number) => payloadedWorker(pokemons, `pokemon?limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}`, 'get'); //You component code //Simply use dispath from react-redux package dispatch(pokemonsWorker(filters.limit, filters.offset)()); //Example with body dispatch(pokemonsWorker(filters.limit, filters.offset)({ example: 'of_body', })); //Example with callbacks dispatch(pokemonsWorker(filters.limit, filters.offset)({ example: 'of_body', }, { cOnFail: (err) => console.log('Error', err), cOnSuccess: (payload) => console.log(payload), //formData flag is ussed to send body as multipart/form-data //Library will automatically convert u'r object to formdata. //default value is false formData: true }));
- method that generates handler to clear any field in store. -
- method that generates default async reducer with action types:pending
- request starteddone
- request ended without errorsfailed
- request ended with errors
import { Action, reducer } from '@wellyes/redux-kit';
import { pokemons } from './pokemons.actions';
export const pokemonsReducer = (state: PokemonState = initialState, action: Action): PokemonState => {
const states = {
...reducer(pokemons, state, action, { dataMask: 'pokemons', loadingMask: 'loading', errorMask: 'errors' }),
return states[action.type] ? states[action.type]() : state;
Basically ...reducer(ACTION_TYPE, STATE, CUR_ACTION, { SETTINGS })
generates object with keys ACTION_NAME_PENDING
object contains of:
- mask for your response(asyncAction.done()
), will be updated with async action payload if async action ends without errors.loadingMask
- loading mask will automatically set totrue
after you async action will be emittedasyncAction.pending()
after it will ends with error or not.errorMask
- errorMask will be seted with error payload(asyncAction.failed(new Error())
) in case of any errors.