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3D Mapping Library for Autonomous Robots (C++/ROS)


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3D Mapping Library For Autonomous Robots

This package is a library implementing various 3D mapping algorithms, such as occupancy voxel map, ESDF Map, dynamic map (our mapping for dynamic environments), for autonomous mobile robots.

Authors: Zhefan Xu and Xiaoyang Zhan, Computational Engineering & Robotics Lab (CERLAB) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

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This repo can be used as a standalone package and also comes as a module of our autonomy framework.

I. Installation Guide

This repo has been tested on ROS Melodic with Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Noetic with Ubuntu 20.04 and it depends on onboard_detector which provides the dynamic obstacle detection and tracking for our dynamic map.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

cd ~/catkin_ws

If you have catkin_make issue with Eigen package, try the command below:

sudo ln -s /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/ /usr/include/Eigen


a. Occupancy Map: In case you do not have/want a hardware platform to play with this repo, we have provided a lightweight simulator for testing. Run the following command to launch the occupancy voxel map:

roslaunch uav_simulator start.launch
roslaunch map_manager occupancy_map.launch # check the launch file for ESDF map and dynamic map
roslaunch map_manager rviz.launch

The example of running occupancy map is shown as below (note that the robot is controlled by a keyboard):


b. ESDF Map: The ESDF map is built upon on the occupancy map. The following command runs the ESDF map:

roslaunch map_manager ESDF_map.launch

The example screenshot of ESDF map is shown below which visualizes the distance field to obstacles:


c. Dynamic Map: The dynamic map integrates a dynamic object detector to represent both static and moving obstacles in dynamic environments. The following command will launch the dynamic map:

roslaunch map_manager dynamic_map.launch

The example of the dynamic map is shown below:

Screenshot from 2023-12-19 01-07-14

The related paper can be found on:

Zhefan Xu*, Xiaoyang Zhan*, Baihan Chen, Yumeng Xiu, Chenhao Yang, and Kenji Shimada, "A real-time dynamic obstacle tracking and mapping system for UAV navigation and collision avoidance with an RGB-D camera”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. [paper] [video].

III. Parameters

All mapping parameters can be edited and modified in map_manager/cfg/***.yaml files.

IV. ROS Topics

  • This package subscribes the following topics for occupancy, ESDF, and dynamic map:

    • Localization topic: robot/odometry or robot/pose (change the topic name in the config file).
    • Depth camera topic: camera/depth (change the topic name in the config file).
  • This package publish the following topics:

    • occupancy map visualization: occupancy_map/inflated_voxel_map.
    • esdf map visualization: esdf_map/inflated_voxel_map and esdf_map/esdf.
    • esdf map visualization: dynamic_map/inflated_voxel_map.

V. Code Example & API

The following example shows the usage our mapping library. Please refer to the source code for more details.

#include <map_manager/ESDFMap.h>
#include <map_manager/dynamicMap.h>

int main(){
  map_manager::ESDFMap m;
  // collision checking given a point
  Eigen::Vector3d pos (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  bool hasCollision = m.isOccupied(pos);
  // get distance with gradient (ESDF map)
  Eigen::Vector3d grad;
  double dist = m.getDistanceWithGradTrilinear(pos, grad);

  map_manager::dynamicMap dm;
  // get dynamic obstacles (dynamic map)
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> obstaclesPos, obstaclesVel, obstaclesSize;
  dm.getDynamicObstacles(obstaclesPos, obstaclesVel, obstaclesSize);

VI. Citation and Reference

If you find this work useful, please cite the paper:

  title={A real-time dynamic obstacle tracking and mapping system for UAV navigation and collision avoidance with an RGB-D camera},
  author={Xu, Zhefan and Zhan, Xiaoyang and Chen, Baihan and Xiu, Yumeng and Yang, Chenhao and Shimada, Kenji},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},


3D Mapping Library for Autonomous Robots (C++/ROS)







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  • C++ 91.5%
  • CMake 7.6%
  • Python 0.9%