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Collar Me Impressed


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Data format

Source assets are placed in /assets, and include:

  • /audio/bgm.mp3: looping background music
  • /audio/btn.mp3: sound effect played when buttons are pressed
  • /audio/drop.mp3: sound effect played when draggable item is dropped
  • /audio/pickup.mp3: sound effect played when draggable item is picked up
  • /img/mouse/mouse_down.png: texture for mouse when pressed down
  • /img/mouse/mouse_over.png: texture for mouse when hovering over UI
  • /img/mouse/mouse_up.png: texture for mouse in normal state
  • /img/arrow.png: texture for cycle layer "next" arrow
  • /img/arrow_flipped.png: texture for cycle layer "previous" arrow
  • /img/save.png: texture for save button
  • /img/*.png: any other textures referenced in config.json
  • /filters/*.glsl: any fragment shaders referenced in config.json

Note that the center of the mouse images are used as the pointer; you can include transparent padding on the top-left to offset this for a more traditional pointer.


	// resolution in pixels
	"size": {
		"x": 720,
		"y": 480
	// scale mode (one of either "fit", "cover", "multiples", or "none")
	"scaleMode": "fit",
	// percentage of screen to crop in output (default is the full screen)
	"crop": {
		"x": 0.0,
		"y": 0.0,
		"w": 1.0,
		"h": 1.0
	// all layers and items have optional `x` and `y` attributes,
	// which set their position (as an offset from their parent)
	// they default to zero if not provided
	// they also have `scale`, which defaults to one
	"layers": {
		"static-example": {
			// static layers will simply render all items,
			// and offer no interaction
			// these can be used to create persistent decorative elements
			// if `ui` is set to `true`, this layer will be hidden when saved
			"type": "static",
			"x": 0.5,
			"y": 0.5,
			"data": {
				"ui": false,
				"items": [
						"spr": "texture-name",
						"x": 0,
						"y": 0
		"animated-example": {
			// animated layers will automatically loop through each item as a frame of animation
			// and offer no interaction
			// these can be used to create persistent decorative elements
			// if `ui` is set to `true`, this layer will be hidden when saved
			"type": "static",
			"x": 0.5,
			"y": 0.5,
			"data": {
				"ui": false,
				"speed": 1,
				"items": [
						"spr": "texture-name"
					}, {
						"spr": "texture-name"
		"cycle-example": {
			// cycle layers will render a single item,
			// along with next/previous arrows which cycle through the rest
			"type": "cycle",
			"x": 0.5,
			"y": 0.5,
			"data": {
				"arrowX": 0,
				"arrowY": 0,
				"arrowGap": 0.5,
				"items": [
						"spr": "texture-name"
					}, {
						"spr": "texture-name"
		"drag-example": {
			// drag-and-drop layers will render all items,
			// each of which will create a draggable copy when selected
			// if an item has the `unique` flag,
			// it will be draggable itself instead of creating copies
			"type": "drag-and-drop",
			"data": {
				"arrowX": 0.1,
				"arrowY": 0.2,
				"arrowGap": 0.5,
				"items": [
						"spr": "texture-name",
						"x": 0.1,
						"y": 0.0
					}, {
						"spr": "texture-name",
						"x": 0.2,
						"y": 0.0,
						"unique": true
		"filter-example": {
			// filter layers are an advanced variation of cycle layers,
			// that apply a filter using the provided fragment shader and uniforms
			// see the filter documentation below for shader details
			"type": "filter",
			"x": 0.5,
			"y": 0.5,
			"data": {
				"arrowX": 0,
				"arrowY": 0,
				"arrowGap": 0.5,
				"filters": [
						"fragment": "shader-name"
					}, {
						"fragment": "shader-name",
						"uniforms": {
							"uniform": 1


Boilerplate for a fragment shader:

varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
uniform sampler2D uSampler;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 mouse;

void main(void){
	vec2 uvs = vTextureCoord.xy;
	vec4 rgba = texture2D(uSampler, uvs);
	gl_FragColor = rgba;
  • vTextureCoord: the screen texture uvs, automatically provided by Pixi
  • uSampler: the screen texture sampler, automatically provided by Pixi
  • time: the time in milliseconds since the start of the game, automatically provided by the project
  • mouse: the mouse position (top-left -> bottom-right : 0,0 -> 1,1), automatically provided by the project