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Sudoku Solver.

Project in a nutshell

While I got my hands dirty on the Digit classification dataset problem ,I wondered where could I possibly use it . One idea which hit my head was to solve a sudoku. I could just take a snap of the sudoku from the newspaper and the computer could solve it for me , I learnt that backtracking would work well to solve the sudoku but I had to inupt the numbers, which was not at all cool. I also found out that I could build a Computer Vision solution to it , which could possibly predict the digits and empty spaces. That's what it all took to start #Su-So.
Besides that there has been many implementations with this project such as real time projections on the paper. It too didn't hit me interesting. At the end if I could predict the sudoku , I should be able to play with it as well.
So I built a GUI model for it. All it has to do is create a interface for me to solve the sudoku , and when I quit(which is usually the case :) , I would ask the computer to solve it.

Behind the scenes

This is the Sudoku snapshot taken.

It's just been denoised using guassian blurring and turned into B&W .

Later to find the exact boundaries , I used a flood fill algorithm which returns the largest connected blob in the snap , which usually the outer edge of the puzzle. This will later help us in determing the perspective transform (in simple words transforming the inclined pic into a neatly alligned pic) , Coz Computer Vision likes neatly alligned images.

In a nutshell , the below is how I used flood fill algorithm : Flood Fill algo in action

The higlighted part is the boundary of the blob found using the above step.

By using the boundary we could find the perspective transform to potray the puzzle in a neat form. The below is the result.

But don't you think we should also get rid of the inner grid lines.After all we just need to cutout the integer in the square , so we should better clean out those inner grid lines. I wrote a small piece of code which would fill these spots with black .

We can decide the presence of a number just by dividing the image into 81 pieces and can check whether it has enough white pixels to contain an element , this is done by providing a therehold value of pixels (e.g; 5*255). Later after finding them out we need to enlarge them out so that they fit the square which are parsed out.
For this I implemented a bounding box method , where I return a rectangle bounding the integer and just parse it out leaving the outer portion and then enlarging it to the initial box.The result will be like this.

Now that we have everything we can now parse the rectangles with integers and pass it to a model which predicts digits.

Since now we have the digits to be predicted , I build a CNN model which was trained on MNIST dataset , and that was predicting the parsed out digits from the puzzle.

I also built a GUI using python tkinter. Through which the predicted digits will be placed like this.

Play with it ...

There is no kick in finding the solution to a puzzle without getting your hands dirty. So after predicting you would be able to solve the puzzle by placing your inputs in the GUI. If your enter a invalid entry , meaning if it disobey the rules . It warns you !!!.

Since you have a UI now you need not worry about the dirty scribblings over your newspaper. The red blocks are effected due to a invalid entry

Later when you are too bored to solve it , just push the **SOLVE** button, the computer now takes all the burden to solve the puzzle.

As said earlier I used the Back tracking Algo for solving this . The below is a snippet of how it really works.

Backtracking in Action

How can you use it ??

Just clone this repository into your machine , and place the image of the puzzle in test_images directory.
P.S : Dont forget to install the necessary libraries. Run the file.


Despite using CNN I was not able to predict the digits with 100% accuracy, If you have any better or different ideas please feel free to connect. A good source was :

Cheers !!


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