This project extends the Volumio project (see , triggering a specific Spotify playlist to play when a Google calendar event occurs.
This code was tested on a Raspi2 model, running Volumio 1.55
- Google calendar API oAuth 2 client id (Type: Other) registered at, which has google calendar API enabled.
- A machine running Volumio
$ wget
$ sudo python
$ git clone
$ cd Raspi-alarm-clock
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf pyfeed-0.7.4.tar.gz
$ cd pyfeed-0.7.4
$ sudo python install
Add your Google oAuth JSON file to the project root folder using as name client_secret.json
Configure settings by editting the config.cfg file
Authenticate with your google calendar by running following command, then copy/paste the url in a browser
$ python --noauth_local_webserver
After that, past the verification code back into the commandline
You can now test if the script works by running
$ python
Now open cronjob configuration by running
$ crontab -e
Add this line at the end:
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/python2.7 /home/pi/Raspi-alarm-clock/
Volumio kills the cron daemon by default, so lets comment out that line of code by running
$ sudo nano /var/www/command/
Then find following line and add a # in front of it.
killall -9 cron
Your playlist will now fire every time a Google calendar event occurs. Goodnight!
Created by StryKaizer