Releases: StacDev/stac
Releases · StacDev/stac
What's Changed
- chore: added contributor banners for twitter and linkedin by @rahulbisht25 in #194
- example: Counter app example with Flutter Bloc and freezed by @divyanshub024 in #195
- chore: Add topics by @MohamedAbd0 in #196
- feat: Remove IconAlignment from button widgets by @divyanshub024 in #197
New Contributors
- @rahulbisht25 made their first contribution in #194
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0
What's Changed
- feat: Add Mirai parser for hero widget by @Yash-Khattar in #82
- feat: Added support for radio widget by @ishanvaghani in #90
- feat: added docs for mirai list tile by @khanjasir90 in #93
- docs: sizedbox documentation by @dakshvasudev in #96
- feat: Added support for slider widget by @ishanvaghani in #97
- docs: added mirai padding docs by @khanjasir90 in #94
- feat: Add support for Opacity widget by @vinothvino42 in #100
- Add material as default icon type and update icon example by @vinothvino42 in #101
- docs: added mirai row docs by @khanjasir90 in #104
- docs: Add Mirai Image Parser Docs by @MohamedAbd0 in #108
- chore: Update package links in documentation by @divyanshub024 in #109
- docs: Add documentation for Mirai TextField properties by @divyanshub024 in #110
- fix: filledButton onPressed and onLongPress Functionality by @ShalmonAnandas in #112
- feat: Added support for snackbar by @ishanvaghani in #103
- docs: Add companies using Mirai in Readme by @divyanshub024 in #113
- Feat: Adding Support Placeholder by @MohamedAbd0 in #114
- Feat : Adding AspectRatio, FittedBox, LimitedBox Widgets by @MohamedAbd0 in #120
- Doc: Create documentation for switch widget by @ishanvaghani in #122
- docs: Added documentation for SafeArea by @ishanvaghani in #125
- Added Documentation for MiraiTableParser, MiraiTableBorderParser, MiraiTableRowParser, MiraiTableCellParser, MiraiBorderSideParser by @ShalmonAnandas in #115
- feat: Update Mirai webview & Add docs by @divyanshub024 in #126
- Update mirai_webview package version to 0.1.0 by @divyanshub024 in #127
- fix: Simplify table border configuration by @divyanshub024 in #129
- docs: Add mirai text button documentation by @divyanshub024 in #132
- docs: Add mirai elevated button documentation by @divyanshub024 in #133
- docs: Add mirai filled button documentation by @divyanshub024 in #134
- docs: Add mirai floating action button documentation by @divyanshub024 in #135
- docs: Add mirai icon button documentation by @divyanshub024 in #136
- docs: Add mirai outlined button documentation by @divyanshub024 in #137
- docs: Add Spacer widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #138
- docs: Add documentation for the Center widget by @divyanshub024 in #139
- docs: Add documentation for the expanded widget by @divyanshub024 in #140
- docs: Add documentation for the flexible widget by @divyanshub024 in #141
- docs: Add stack and positioned widgets documentation by @divyanshub024 in #142
- Docs: Add documentation for Mirai column widget by @divyanshub024 in #143
- Docs: Add documentation for Mirai AppBar widget by @divyanshub024 in #144
- Docs: Add documentation for Mirai CircleAvatar widget by @divyanshub024 in #145
- Docs: Add documentation for Mirai Form widget by @divyanshub024 in #146
- Docs: Add documentation for Mirai FractionallySizedBox widget by @divyanshub024 in #147
- Docs: Add documentation for Mirai Icon widget by @divyanshub024 in #148
- feat: Added support for name colors by @ishanvaghani in #131
- docs: Update Alert Dialog and add docs by @divyanshub024 in #151
- feat: Update scaffold widget and add documentation by @divyanshub024 in #153
- docs: Add NetworkWidget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #154
- Docs: Add documentation for SingleChildScrollView widget by @divyanshub024 in #155
- feat: standardize parameters in buttons by @ishanvaghani in #156
- Add Discord badge to README by @divyanshub024 in #159
- docs: Add DefaultTabController documentation by @divyanshub024 in #160
- docs: Add Card widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #161
- docs: Add AutoComplete widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #162
- docs: Add CarouselView documentation by @divyanshub024 in #163
- refactor: Rename MiraiCheckBoxWidget to MiraiCheckBox & Add docs by @divyanshub024 in #164
- feat: Update Chip widget with onDeleted, clipBehavior, visualDensity, materialTapTargetSize, avatarBoxConstraints & deleteIconBoxConstraints params by @divyanshub024 in #165
- docs: Add GridView widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #166
- docs: Add PageView widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #167
- docs: Add TextFormField widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #168
- docs: Add BottomNavigationBar widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #169
- docs: Add BottomNavigationView widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #170
- docs: Add Tab bar widget documentation by @divyanshub024 in #171
- docs: Add Mirai action parser docs by @divyanshub024 in #179
- chore: Add contribution guidelines by @divyanshub024 in #180
- feat: Update docs theme by @divyanshub024 in #181
- Fix: change all icon button widget property from child to icon in app bar, icon button and scaffold example screen by @vinothvino42 in #183
- Update typo by @aktxyz in #185
- Rename the repo from Mirai to Stac by @divyanshub024 in #188
- Update by @divyanshub024 in #189
- Update by @divyanshub024 in #191
New Contributors
- @Yash-Khattar made their first contribution in #82
- @dakshvasudev made their first contribution in #96
- @vinothvino42 made their first contribution in #100
- @MohamedAbd0 made their first contribution in #108
- @ShalmonAnandas made their first contribution in #112
- @aktxyz made their first contribution in #185
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
What's Changed
- chore: Code Refactoring :) by @divyanshub024 in #5
- feat: Add Row and Column Spacing by @divyanshub024 in #6
- feat: Add Mirai carousel view with example by @divyanshub024 in #7
- feat: Add Mirai colored box parser by @divyanshub024 in #8
- fix: Replace cache network image with the by @divyanshub024 in #11
- chore: Update readme by @divyanshub024 in #12
- docs: Mirai basic documentation by @divyanshub024 in #21
- Update netlify configs by @divyanshub024 in #22
- fix: Fix the config base url by @divyanshub024 in #23
- chore: update config by @divyanshub024 in #24
- feat: Add support for the Divider widget by @bhattkrutij in #20
- docs: Add Mirai Test documentation by @divyanshub024 in #83
- feat: added ability to override mirai parsers and action_parsers. by @khanjasir90 in #81
- feat: Added support for mirai progress indicators by @ishanvaghani in #84
- feat: added docs for mirai wrap widget by @khanjasir90 in #85
- feat: added docs for mirai align widget by @khanjasir90 in #87
- chore: Add
folder to gitignore by @divyanshub024 in #88 - feat: added listview docs by @khanjasir90 in #89
- chore: update to v0.8 by @divyanshub024 in #91
New Contributors
- @bhattkrutij made their first contribution in #20
- @khanjasir90 made their first contribution in #81
- @ishanvaghani made their first contribution in #84
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0