This is a Jailbreak tweak that I wrote in highscool to learn apple frameworks and jailbreak tweak devlopment.
This tweak started as a direct fork Kurt's Lifeguard jailbreak tweak which I used as a starting point with the goal being to add the ability to skip, repeat, or pause a song to the side audio buttons.
Default Sequences:
- Pause/Play: Both volume buttons
- Skip Track: Both volume buttons followed by volume up and then volume down
- Previous Track: Both volume buttons followed by volume down and then up
The idea behind these defaults is that my phone is in the pocket of a sweatshirt.
Supports iOS 10.o - 13.5 Dependencies: Cephei, Substrate To use this tweak, download and install the dep in releases, through an iOS package manager such as Cydia, or Zebra.
You can then configure the button sequence for each action in the settings app by typing a string of characters
H - Home Button
L - Lock Button
U - Volume Up Button
D - Volume Down Button
S - Mute Switch
P - Screenshot buttons
V - Both Vol. Buttons
So the default sequence for skip track would be 'VUD'