Our SmartLease project will stipulate the minimum components of an Ethereum smart contract for Property leases between Landlords and Tenants.
- Ubuntu (v14.04 LTS)
- Solidity (v0.4.21): language used to program smart contracts
- Node: Javascript interpreter
- NPM, Yarn: package management
- Truffle: smart contract management and deployment
- MetaMask: Address and private key management for Ethereum
- Gananche: Local, private test blockchain
- Geth: Go-ethereum client
- Ropsten: Public ethereum test network
- Browserify: package node libraries for use on the web
- Web3js (v1.0): javascript library to wrap JSON-RPC calls to Ethereum
- Javascript
- Install Nodejs, NPM, Docker, MetaMask (for Chrome or Firefox)
git clone https://github.com/SmartLease/Ethereum.git
$ truffle develop
truffle(develop)$ compile --all
truffle(develop)$ migrate --reset
$ docker run -dit --name smartlease --mount type=bind,src="${pwd}"/docs,dst=/usr/share/nginx/html,ro -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
- In your browser, unlock MetaMask (save your secret words!)
- Go to:
- Import your accounts from Truffle
using their private keys to have access to the ether (not real Ether) - Enjoy!
Open the SmartLease webpage in a browser, (https://smartlease.github.io/Ethereum/)
SmartLease is owned and maintained by
Andrew Birnbera (@birnbera)
Holden Grissett (@holdengs)
Felicia Hsieh (@feliciahsiehsw)
Wendy Segura (@wendysegura)
Tope Agboola (@topea_)
You can reply to us and to @holbertonschool on Twitter for more updates on this project & our forked projects.
SmartLease is released under the MIT license.