A quickstart template for a CMake project intended for games/graphics
Includes Git Submodules for
- ImGui (defaults to OpenGL3 Backend)
- SDL2
Also includes stb_image header
To use a different graphical API, just edit the CMakeLists in lib
to use a different ImGui backend
SDL2 is a bit messy to 'get' unless you use the provided submodule (and checkout a release version)
Currently the below method, using SDL2_DIR on Windows is not working correctly, so use the Git Submodule to grab SDL2, this should be done by default as long as the repository is cloned with --recursive, if not theres a lot of posts on how to init and clone submodules. Just remember that if you need a specific commit (you probably will for SDL2 as it defaults to cloning the main
branch (SDL3) so make sure to grab a release that you want.)
If you enable the USE_SDL_SYS CMake Variable, it will use system SDL2 libs (on Linux devices) or use the directory specified by 'SDL2_DIR' (see Sample Commands for CMake syntax :D )
On Windows, it is recommended to use the 'devel' libs, in a local folder as the source for your SDL2 libraries, for release its a little different, at some point I will set up automatic downloading of development/release libraries and scripts to automatically wrap up release versions with their dlls, but I've not done that before so I'll have to experiment a bit
Use something like this for a Ninja build project on Windows/MSVC
Specifying an SDL dir is not needed if using the Git Submodule method to getting SDL
In case you add more SDL2 libraries, use these variables to specify their locations:
-DSDL2_mixer_DIR=C:\SDL2_Mixer\cmake -DSDL2_image_DIR=C:\SDL2_Image\cmake -DSDL2_ttf_DIR=C:\SDL2_TTF\cmake
On Linux, it should be as simple as specifying your project file to be generated (Ninja, Make, etc) and hitting go as long as you have the SDL2 libs installed that you need