Some addons overwrite nameplateGlobalScale, prevent bad scale.
Check blacklist for nameplates by npc ID.
Added arrow buttons for mover anchors. Now grid lines auto enables after /moveui.
Use C.filger.cooldown_space for EnemyCD interval.
Added new option "Change General font".
Prevent multiple hook in BigWigs skin.
Added option to disable "Bottom classcolor line".
Change title for Pixel font.
Tweak position of MiniMapTracking.
Merge PvPDebuffs into T.RaidDebuffs, instead of checking two tables.
Added new option "Boss and Arena width".
Disable our nameplates when run namePlateM+ or NeatPlates.
Hide CircleMask for PvP rewards.
Fixed error when LibSharedMedia not load.
Updated Chinese and Taiwan locales.
Updated AutoAccept.
Allow use T.oUF constants.
Fixed Execution Sentence id.
Fixed moving raid frames.
Drop oUF_MovableFrames points system and use own that more accurate.
Removed Corruption icon from Bags.
Added skin for compaign quest items.
Fixed dynamic position after reload.
Added new option "Show glow texture for target" for nameplates.
Block change SetPoint SendMailNameEditBox.
Fixed cancel posses bar.
Correct some spell id.
Fixed textures for GroupFinderFrame.
Right click on color picker in GUI now reset it.
Some cleanup, changes and fixes.