Rework threat function for frames.
Fixed skin UIWidget.
Change font for pet battle level and auras to pixel. Fix skin after reload
Replace text with texture for pixel "-" button.
Prevent taint for ExtraActionBarFrame.
Added "Shining Light" proc.
Added skin for ItemRefTooltip.CloseButton.
Fixed labels for CreateChannelPopup.
Updated ChannelingTicks.
Increased AlternativePower height by 1 pixel and changed color to less brighter.
Fixed TemporaryEnchantFrame position.
Allow search in Reagent frame. Hide properly bank when open reagents.
Added check for existing button in RaidInfo.
We need to call Pawn API for showing upgrade arrow now.
Tweak SpamageMeters code.
Try avoid copy nick taint.
Fixed mistake in health color.
Updated AutoAccept.
Added new command (/onlyui) to quickly disable all addon expect of our UI.
Move Blizzard\Nameplates.lua => UnitFrames\Nameplates.lua. Move Unit frames functions into new file UnitFrames\Functions.lua. Move style function to Core/API.lua.
Fixed labels for send editboxes in Mail.
Some cleanup, changes and fixes.