A framework for simulating MAPK pathway dynamics using PySB.
- Clone this repository:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-name>
- Make the setup script executable and run it:
chmod +x setup_pysb_env.sh
- Activate the environment:
source ~/.bashrc
conda activate pysb_env
The model consists of several components (see src/main_my.py
, startLine: 20, endLine: 39):
- MAPK pathway components
- AP1 transcription factors
- Cell state transitions
- Oscillatory behavior
For deterministic ODE simulations (see src/main.py
, startLine: 23, endLine: 170):
python src/main.py \
--cell-line mutant \
--drug-concentration 1.0 0.5 \
--output results/single_cell.h5 \
--plot-output results/single_cell.png
For stochastic simulations (see src/main_my.py
, startLine: 128, endLine: 162):
python src/main_my.py \
--cell-line mutant \
--drug-concentration 1.0 0.5 \
--output results/population.h5 \
--plot-output results/population.png \
--n-cells-plot 5
: Choose between 'mutant' or 'wildtype'--drug-concentration
: Two float values [MEKi, EGF]--output
: Path for HDF5 results file--plot-output
: Path for output plots--n-cells-plot
: Number of cells to plot (population only)--skip-simulation
: Skip simulation if results exist
The simulation uses non-uniform time points (see src/main.py
, startLine: 111, endLine: 119):
- Early phase: 0-600s, 24 points
- Middle phase: 600-3600s, 10 points
- Late phase: 3600-7200s, 5 points
- Pre-equilibration: -600-0s, 4 points
HDF5 files containing:
- Time series data
- Species trajectories
- Metadata (cell line, drug concentrations)
Two visualization options:
- Basic Plotting (see
, startLine: 10, endLine: 58):
- ERK Phosphorylation
- MEK Phosphorylation
- RAS Activity
- Advanced Visualization (see
, startLine: 22, endLine: 52):
- Individual cell trajectories
- Population means
- Standard deviations
- Custom observable plotting
Cell line-specific parameters (see src/models/old/parameters.py
, startLine: 1, endLine: 23):
- Mutant cells: Higher baseline differentiation, stronger ERK dependence
- Wildtype cells: More epigenetic plasticity, slower differentiation
All required packages are installed via setup_pysb_env.sh
- Core: numpy, scipy, pandas
- Visualization: matplotlib, seaborn
- Computation: cython, numba
- GPU Support: cudatoolkit, cupy
- Development: pytest, black, flake8
If you use this code in your research, please cite: [Citation information to be added]
Submit jobs using the provided SLURM script:
sbatch run_simulation.slurm
SLURM configuration:
- Partition: standard
- Memory: 16GB
- CPUs: 8
- Time limit: 12 hours
Additional plotting tools are available (see src/visualization.py
, startLine: 1, endLine: 53):
python src/plot_results.py \
--results-file results/simulation_results.h5 \
--n-cells 5
For detailed analysis of simulation results, use the post-processing script:
python src/postprocess.py --input results/simulation_results.h5
This will:
- Generate detailed plots of species trajectories
- Save plots to
- Print statistics about the simulation data
- Show time evolution of first 8 species
- Display min/max concentrations for each species
The script provides:
- Time series visualization
- Basic statistical analysis
- Concentration ranges for each species
- Metadata from simulation conditions
Output location:
- Plots:
- Logging: Terminal output with statistics and file paths
- Cython compilation errors:
conda activate pysb_env
conda install cython
- Missing dependencies:
conda install -c conda-forge <package_name>
- CUDA Limitations:
Our model contains complex expressions and rules (see
, startLine: 74, endLine: 86) that are not compatible with CUDA-based solvers. Therefore, we use the CPU-based ODE solver (ScipyOdeSimulator) with Cython compilation for optimal performance. If you encounter CUDA-related errors:
- Use
instead of 'sde' - Ensure Cython is properly installed
- The simulation will automatically use CPU-based computation
Note: While CUDA-based solvers can offer significant speedup for certain types of models, they are limited to simpler reaction networks without complex expressions. Our model's sophistication requires the more flexible CPU-based solver.
- Initialize and push to GitHub:
# Initialize git repository
git init
# Add files
git add .gitignore README.md setup_pysb_env.sh src/ run_pysb.slurm
# Initial commit
git commit -m "Initial commit: PYSB simulation framework"
# Create new repository on GitHub through web interface
# Then link and push:
git remote add origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/pysb-simulation.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
The code structure we're pushing is based on:
- Main simulation code (startLine: 1, endLine: 181 in
) - Parameter handling (startLine: 1, endLine: 23 in
) - Plotting utilities (startLine: 1, endLine: 58 in
Would you like me to help with creating the GitHub repository through the GitHub API, or would you prefer to create it manually through the web interface?