Shopify development tool using themekit and webpack. Also a compatible replacement for Slate and existing websites.
- [Shopify Packer ](#Shopify Packer )
- Webpack 4
- Stylelint
- ESLint
- Babel
- PostCSS
- Analyze Bundles
- Liquid code in stylesheets
- Webpack config is easy to modify (use
) - App server loads scripts and stylesheets locally
- Hot Module Reloading for rapid development
- Multiple entrypoints for templates and layouts
- List themes on store
- Delete themes from CLI
- Create new empty theme in Shopify from CLI, adds theme id to config.json
- Download existing themes
- Download files/sync changes
- Init base packer theme from cli or use a custom github repo
npm i @hayes0724/shopify-packer -g
yarn global add @hayes0724/shopify-packer
- Create new project with all required files
packer init <dirname>
Add app password and store url to config.json
Create new empty theme on shopify
packer theme:create --name=sample-theme-name
- Deploy files and start working
packer start
List of all API commands for Packer:
- init
- start
- watch
- deploy
- build
- lint
- format
- zip
- theme:list
- theme:create
- theme:remove
- theme:download
- help
Creates a blank start theme in specified directory. By default, it will use hayes0724/packer-blank-theme
unless you specify the repo flag with the name of the themes github repo. It will pull the latest release and fail
if the custom theme repo has no releases.
packer init <dir> [--repo=hayes0724/packer-blank-theme]
Compiles your local theme files into a dist directory, uploads these files to your remote Shopify store and finally boots up a local Express server that will serve most of your CSS and JavaScript.
packer start [--env=my-custom-env-name] [--skipPrompts] [--skipFirstDeploy]
Flag | Description |
--env |
Targets a custom environment. Setting --env=production would use the production settings in config.json |
--skipPrompts |
Skips all prompts. This is especially useful when using Packer with continuous integration tools |
--skipFirstDeploy |
Skips the file upload sequence and simply boots up the local Express server |
Same as start command except it skips the first deployment
packer watch [--env=my-custom-env-name] [--skipPrompts]
Uploads the dist folder to the Shopify store.
packer deploy [--env=my-custom-env-name] [--skipPrompts] [--replace]
Flag | Description |
--env |
Targets a custom environment. Setting --env=production would use the production settings in config.json |
--skipPrompts |
Skips all prompts. This is especially useful when using Packer with continuous integration tools |
--nodelete |
By default deploy will replace all files in theme, use this flag to update without removing existing files |
packer build [--analyze]
Flag | Description |
--analyze |
Analyzes bundles |
Builds a production-ready version of the theme by compiling the files into the dist folder.
packer lint [--scripts] [--styles] [--locales]
Flag | Description |
--scripts |
Runs linting only on script files |
--styles |
Runs linting only on style files |
--locales |
Runs linting only on locales files |
Formats the theme code according to the rules declared in the .eslintrc and .stylelintrc files. By default, it uses ESLint Fix to format JS files, Stylelint Fix to format CSS files and Prettier to format JSON files.
packer format [--scripts] [--styles] [--json]
Flag | Description |
--scripts |
Runs formatting only on script files |
--styles |
Runs formatting only on style files |
--locales |
Runs formatting only on locales files |
Compiles the contents of the dist directory and creates a ZIP file in the root of the project.
packer zip
Lists all themes (shows name, themeID, etc...) on the site, requires app password and store url be set first. By default looks at the store for development env in config.json
packer theme:list
Flag | Description |
--env |
Targets a custom environment. Setting --env=production would use the production settings in config.json |
Creates a new empty theme on Shopify and updates config.json for the selected env with the proper themeID
packer theme:create
Flag | Description |
--env |
Targets a custom environment. Setting --env=production would use the production settings in config.json |
--name=my-theme-name |
Sets the theme name on Shopify, it's required |
Removes the theme set in the selected env from Shopify
packer theme:remove
Flag | Description |
--env |
Targets a custom environment. Setting --env=production would use the production settings in config.json |
Downloads the theme set in the selected env from Shopify
packer theme:download
Flag | Description |
--env |
Targets a custom environment. Setting --env=production would use the production settings in config.json |
Display all commands and flags
packer help
All configuration files to fully customize Packer, are located in the root directory.
- .babelrc
- .eslintrc
- .stylelintrc
- .prettierignore
- .stylelintignore
- .prettierrc.json
- .eslintignore
- .editorconfig
- packer.env.json - Packer env settings
- packer.config.js - Packer app settings
- dev.config.js
- prod.config.js
- postcss.config.js
Environment settings are located in packer.env.json
"themes": {
"development": {
"id": "74500041118",
"password": "ebd6ce7f27aae8cdafb8111a5b887b9",
"store": "",
"ignore": [
By default most commands will use development environment unless you
override with the --env
packer start --env=production
This will use the settings set packer.env.json
Packer app settings are located in packer.config.js
. You can modify any setting from the node module without having to edit it:
- packer.schema.js
- packer-env.schema.js
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
// Change your theme root
'theme.src.root': path.join(process.cwd(), 'src'),
// Change your dist root
'theme.dist.root': path.join(process.cwd(), 'dist'),
// Change your theme source templates
'theme.src.templates': path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/templates'),
// Configure network settigns if you don't like the autoconfig
'network.ipAddress': '',
'network.external': '',
'network.interface': '',
// Add additonal entrypoints
'entrypoints': {},
These are not required and by default are blank. If you would like to change the ip address that the local development server runs on manually or by setting the interface (by name) you can change that here. It will otherwise run using the first interface ip address in your system.
Packer can be used with existing themes or you can create a new theme. It must follow the following structure:
├── .babelrc
├── .eslintrc
├── .gitignore
├── .stylelintrc
├── .prettierignore
├── .stylelintignore
├── .prettierrc.json
├── .eslintignore
├── .editorconfig
├── packer.env.json
├── packer.config.js
├── dev.config.js
├── prod.config.js
├── postcss.config.js
├── package.json
├── yarn.lock
└── src
├── assets
├── config
├── layout
├── locales
├── scripts
├── sections
├── snippets
├── styles
└── templates
Webpack will create the following snippets that load all style and script chunks.
You need to include this in your theme.liquid
{% include 'script-tags' %}
{% include 'style-tags' %}
See Template and layout bundles for more information
Packer uses a local server which compiles and serves theme JavaScript and CSS locally. By serving these assets locally, developers don't need to wait for them to be uploaded to Shopify servers to preview the changes they are making. When combined with Hot Module Reloading, developers see changes in their code reflected almost instantly.
For the local server to function properly you must have SSL setup properly.
Developers wanting to share an instance of their store with other developers are often confused when they see their store appear broken. Because CSS and JavaScript are being served locally, your theme won’t function on any machine other than the one the Express server is currently running on.
For the development server to function you need to accept/setup a SSL cert. When SSL is not working your css/js will be blocked in the browser and the site will appear broken. You can also see the requests being blocked in the network tab chrome developer tools. There are two methods for fixing this:
This is the fastest method but will often have to be repeated
Run start/watch
When browser launches if there is a warning follow these steps
- Click advanced
- Click proceed
Create a trusted, self-signed SSL certificate on your device so the assets, served via https, are never blocked. This takes longer and the steps very depending on what OS you are using.
Packer will look for the cert named localhost.cer
in ~/.localhost_ssl
for windows it will be in the users home directory
The certificate common name must match the ip you are using with packer. When your IP changes you will need to make a new cert
Template and layout bundles are a build-time optimization which ensures that only the JS and CSS needed for the current page is downloaded and executed. This optimization results in improved page load speed, especially on mobile devices with limited computing power and network capacity.
In order to take advantage of template and layout bundles, your Packer project's src/script/ folder must include the following folders:
└── src
└── scripts
│ ├── layout
│ └── templates
├── layout
└── templates
On build, Packer will look for each file in the src/scripts/layout and src/scripts/templates folders and see if there is a matching file in the src/layout and src/templates folders. If there is a match, a template or layout bundle is created for that match.
└── src
└── scripts
│ ├── layout
│ │ └── theme.js
│ └── templates
│ ├── index.js
│ └── product.js
├── layout
│ └── theme.liquid
└── templates
├── index.liquid
└── product.liquid
Using the example above and calling packer build, Packer will look for matching template and layout files inside the src/scripts/ folder and generate the following JS bundles:
: Boththeme.liquid
: Bothindex.liquid
: Bothproduct.liquid
Note that the following bundles are not generated:
: Packer cannot find asrc/template/page.about-us.liquid
: Packer cannot find ascripts/templates/collection.js
A critical optimization needed for template and layout bundles to be successful is to split shared dependencies between bundles into separate chunks. This reduces the amount of duplicate code included in each bundle and further improves page load performance.
Let's continue with the file structure from the previous example, and see how shared dependencies are separated:
@import depA from 'depA';
@import depB from 'depB';
@import depB from 'depB';
@import depC from 'depC';
In the example above, we have 2 files which each import 2 dependencies. Both files have a shared dependency, depB. Instead of bundling depB into template.index.js and again in template.product.js, Packer splits depB into its own bundle chunk. The resulting generated files are:
: Code that is only used on the index template.template.product.js
: Code that is only used on the product template.[email protected]
: Code that is used on both index and product templates.
It's also possible to structure your styles so that only those needed for the current page are loaded. This is made possible by the JS bundling mentioned above. Let's take a look at what a typical Packer project might look like and how it would take advantage of template and layout styles.
import '../../styles/layout/theme.scss';
import '../../styles/templates/product.scss';
Looking at the above examples, we can see that we are importing two
different SCSS files. We can expect that theme.scss
contains global
styles that are used through most of the theme's pages, such as header
and navigation styles. product.scss
might include styles that are
specific to the product template, such as a product image gallery.
The following imports would generate the following files:
Now that you have template and layout bundles with shared dependency chunking,
you'll notice that there are a lot of JS files in your compiled Packer project
(found in the dist folder). It would be pretty tedious to code and manage
all the <script>
tags for each of these assets. So let's have Packer handle this!
packer generates script-tags.liquid
and styles-tags.liquid
which include <script>
and <link>
tags needed for each bundle.
These snippets also include all the liquid logic needed to selectively load
these bundles based on the current template and layout.
All you need to do is include these snippets in your layout files.
For example, here is what you would include in your layout/theme.liquid
{% include 'style-tags' %}
{% include 'script-tags', layout: 'theme' %}
where the layout option value is the name of the layout.
Packer's build script compiles the theme so that it is fully optimized to run in production. These optimizations include:
- Minified JS and bundle splitting
- Optimized CSS using cssNano
- Minified HTML
Packer's build script can use Webpack Bundle Analyzer to see what's inside each bundle for further optimization
Packer comes with several utilities to make managing and setting up themes easier and without needing to use Shopify admin.
Requires password and store URL in config.json
. This will list all themes
on the store, showing name, id, created/modified dates and role.
packer theme:list
║ 74500046912 │ Debut │ 2019-07-05T18:33:52-04:00 │ 2020-06-13T17:21:30-04:00 │ main ║
║ 83174129723 │ development │ 2020-06-16T19:55:40-04:00 │ 2020-06-16T19:56:50-04:00 │ unpublished ║
Creates an empty theme on Shopify that you can deploy to or start
development on. It will automatically add the theme id to your config.json
packer theme:create --env=development
By default, it will use the development environment if no flag is provided.
Downloads the theme from Shopify to your src folder
packer theme:download --env=development
By default, it will use the development environment if no flag is provided.