- If you want to contribute
- If you want to add additions
- If you want to make bug fixes
Make a Pull Request and I will review and decide whether to implement it or not, Do note the code must be working off the bat when you send the PR. Make sure it works on your end before sending it. If you have any suggestions or bugs or anything of the like report it in the Issues tab.
Ping me via the API or THE API thread in Modding Help or Requests, @thincreator3483
- Thincreator3483/Creator: API Code
- Dark_Dragoon: Preloader Patch, and help with figuring out issues, found in older versions No longer need it.
- Lynn Titis: A bunch of code help.
- Ghost Narwhal: A bunch of code help.
- James Games: A bunch of code help.
- Card Adding
Planned for Future:
- Card Modification
- Different portraits for each card type.
- Custom Sets (Without base Modification)
- Set Selection Menu for the Album
- Allow modders to define their system through the API for their cards to use.
- NPC Model Handling
- Phone Apps
- New Items
- Asset Bundle Support
- Custom Fonts
- More to come...
I will fill this out later along with setup a wiki for this later.