Budgetify is an intuitive web app designed to help users take control of their finances.It allows users to create, update, track, and delete budgets and expenses, with the ability to reset all expenses for a fresh start. The app provides a clean, responsive and intuitive UI for easy financial management.
Budget Management
- Create Budget: Add a new budget (name and amount), stored in LocalStorage.
- Update Budget: Edit an existing budget’s name and amount.
- Delete Budget: Remove a budget and its associated expenses.
- View Budgets: Displays a single budget along with its associated expenses.
Expense Management
- Add Expense: Add expenses with details (name, amount, budget).
- Update Expense: Modify an existing expense (name, amount, or budget).
- Delete Expense: Remove an expense.
- Expense Overview: Helps users track overspending and adjust accordingly.
Resetting Data
- Reset Expenses: Clear all expenses while keeping the budgets.
- Delete All Data: Remove all budgets and expenses (requires confirmation).
- Success/Failure Feedback: Show feedback using react-toastify for create, update, delete, or reset actions.
- React: Used for building the user interface and managing state.
- React-Router: Handles navigation between different pages.
- LocalStorage Persists budgets and expenses across sessions
- Toast Notifications: Provides success/error feedback.