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feat: swerve code from swerve-base
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mebrahimaleem committed Jan 6, 2024
1 parent 3be069e commit c677ac3
Showing 7 changed files with 1,014 additions and 1 deletion.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.

package frc.robot;

import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveDriveKinematics;

* The Constants class provides a convenient place for teams to hold robot-wide
* numerical or boolean
* constants. This class should not be used for any other purpose. All constants
* should be declared
* globally (i.e. public static). Do not put anything functional in this class.
* <p>
* It is advised to statically import this class (or one of its inner classes)
* wherever the
* constants are needed, to reduce verbosity.
public final class Constants {

* Input/Output constants
public static class IOConstants {
public static final int kDriverControllerPort = 0;

public static final double kControllerDeadband = 0.2;
public static final double kSlowModeScalar = 0.8;

public static final class DriveConstants {
// TODO: set motor and encoder constants
public static final int kFrontLeftDriveMotorPort = 1;
public static final int kRearLeftDriveMotorPort = 3;
public static final int kFrontRightDriveMotorPort = 5;
public static final int kRearRightDriveMotorPort = 7;

public static final int kFrontLeftTurningMotorPort = 2;
public static final int kRearLeftTurningMotorPort = 4;
public static final int kFrontRightTurningMotorPort = 6;
public static final int kRearRightTurningMotorPort = 8;

public static final int kFrontLeftTurningEncoderPort = 9;
public static final int kRearLeftTurningEncoderPort = 10;
public static final int kFrontRightTurningEncoderPort = 11;
public static final int kRearRightTurningEncoderPort = 12;

public static final double kFrontLeftTurningEncoderOffset = 0;
public static final double kRearLeftTurningEncoderOffset = 0;
public static final double kFrontRightTurningEncoderOffset = 0;
public static final double kRearRightTurningEncoderOffset = 0;

// TODO: Test motor orientations before driving on an actual robot
public static final boolean kFrontLeftDriveMotorReversed = false;
public static final boolean kRearLeftDriveMotorReversed = false;
public static final boolean kFrontRightDriveMotorReversed = true;
public static final boolean kRearRightDriveMotorReversed = true;

/** Distance between centers of right and left wheels on robot (in meters). */
public static final double kTrackWidth = 0.5;

/** Distance between front and back wheels on robot (in meters). */
public static final double kWheelBase = 0.5;

/** Diameter of each wheel in the SDS MK4i swerve module (in meters) */
public static final double kWheelDiameterMeters = 0.1;

/** Gear ratio between the motor and the wheel. */
public static final double kDrivingGearRatio = 8.14; // SDS MK4i's in L1 configuration

// TODO: Tune this PID before running on a robot on the ground
public static final double kPModuleTurningController = -0.3;

public static final SwerveDriveKinematics kDriveKinematics = new SwerveDriveKinematics(
new Translation2d(kWheelBase / 2, kTrackWidth / 2),
new Translation2d(kWheelBase / 2, -kTrackWidth / 2),
new Translation2d(-kWheelBase / 2, kTrackWidth / 2),
new Translation2d(-kWheelBase / 2, -kTrackWidth / 2));

/** For a a SDS Mk4i L1 swerve base with Neos */
public static final double kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond = 3.6576;
/** For a a SDS Mk4i L1 swerve base with Neos */
public static final double kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond = 15.24 / 3;

/** Heading Correction */
public static final double kHeadingCorrectionTurningStopTime = 0.2;
// TODO: Tune this PID before running on a robot on the ground
public static final double kPHeadingCorrectionController = 5;
57 changes: 56 additions & 1 deletion src/main/java/frc/robot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,15 +4,70 @@

package frc.robot;

import edu.wpi.first.math.MathUtil;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.XboxController;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.XboxController.Button;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Commands;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.InstantCommand;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.RunCommand;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.button.JoystickButton;
import frc.robot.Constants.DriveConstants;
import frc.robot.Constants.IOConstants;
import frc.robot.subsystems.DriveSubsystem;

public class RobotContainer {
// The robot's subsystems and commands are defined here
private final DriveSubsystem m_robotDrive = new DriveSubsystem();

private final XboxController m_driverController = new XboxController(IOConstants.kDriverControllerPort);

* The container for the robot. Contains subsystems, OI devices, and commands.
public RobotContainer() {
// Configure the trigger bindings

new RunCommand(
() ->
* DriveConstants.kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond
* (1 - m_driverController
* IOConstants.kSlowModeScalar)
* 0.8,
* DriveConstants.kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond
* (1 - m_driverController
* IOConstants.kSlowModeScalar)
* 0.8,
* DriveConstants.kMaxAngularSpeedRadiansPerSecond
* (1 - m_driverController
* IOConstants.kSlowModeScalar)
/ 2,

private void configureBindings() {}
* Use this method to define your button->command mappings.
private void configureBindings() {
new JoystickButton(m_driverController, Button.kStart.value)
.onTrue(new InstantCommand(m_robotDrive::zeroHeading, m_robotDrive));

public Command getAutonomousCommand() {
return Commands.print("No autonomous command configured");
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/subsystems/
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@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.

package frc.robot.subsystems;

import com.kauailabs.navx.frc.AHRS;

import edu.wpi.first.math.MathUtil;
import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.PIDController;
import edu.wpi.first.math.estimator.SwerveDrivePoseEstimator;
import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveDriveKinematics;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModulePosition;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModuleState;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.Field2d;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.SubsystemBase;
import frc.robot.Constants.DriveConstants;
import frc.robot.Robot;

public class DriveSubsystem extends SubsystemBase {
private final SwerveModule m_frontLeft = new SwerveModule(

private final SwerveModule m_rearLeft = new SwerveModule(

private final SwerveModule m_frontRight = new SwerveModule(

private final SwerveModule m_rearRight = new SwerveModule(

private final AHRS m_gyro = new AHRS();
private double m_gyroAngle;

private final Timer m_headingCorrectionTimer = new Timer();
private final PIDController m_headingCorrectionPID = new PIDController(DriveConstants.kPHeadingCorrectionController,
0, 0);
private SwerveModulePosition[] m_swerveModulePositions = new SwerveModulePosition[] {

// TODO: Experiment with different std devs in the pose estimator
private final SwerveDrivePoseEstimator m_poseEstimator = new SwerveDrivePoseEstimator(DriveConstants.kDriveKinematics,
m_gyro.getRotation2d(), m_swerveModulePositions, new Pose2d());

private final Field2d m_field = new Field2d();

/** Creates a new DriveSubsystem. */
public DriveSubsystem() {
SmartDashboard.putData("Field", m_field);
m_headingCorrectionPID.enableContinuousInput(-Math.PI, Math.PI);

public void periodic() {
// This method will be called once per scheduler run

m_swerveModulePositions = new SwerveModulePosition[] {

m_poseEstimator.update(Robot.isReal() ? m_gyro.getRotation2d() : new Rotation2d(m_gyroAngle), m_swerveModulePositions);


SmartDashboard.putNumber("gyro angle", m_gyro.getAngle());
SmartDashboard.putNumber("odometryX", m_poseEstimator.getEstimatedPosition().getX());
SmartDashboard.putNumber("odometryY", m_poseEstimator.getEstimatedPosition().getY());

// AdvantageScope Logging
double[] logData = {
m_frontLeft.getPosition().angle.getDegrees(), m_frontLeft.driveOutput,
m_frontRight.getPosition().angle.getDegrees(), m_frontRight.driveOutput,
m_rearLeft.getPosition().angle.getDegrees(), m_rearLeft.driveOutput,
m_rearRight.getPosition().angle.getDegrees(), m_rearRight.driveOutput,
SmartDashboard.putNumberArray("AdvantageScope Swerve States", logData);

* Returns the currently-estimated pose of the robot.
* @return The pose.
public Pose2d getPose() {
return m_poseEstimator.getEstimatedPosition();

* Method to drive the robot using joystick info.
* @param xSpeed Speed of the robot in the x direction (forward).
* @param ySpeed Speed of the robot in the y direction (sideways).
* @param rotation Angular rotation speed of the robot.
* @param fieldRelative Whether the provided x and y speeds are relative to the
* field.
public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rotation, boolean fieldRelative) {
// If we are rotating, reset the timer
if (rotation != 0) {

* Heading correction helps maintain the same heading and
* prevents rotational drive while our robot is translating
* For heading correction we use a timer to ensure that we
* lose all rotational momentum before saving the heading
* that we want to maintain

// TODO: Test heading correction without timer
// TODO: Test heading correction using gyro's rotational velocity (if it is 0
// then set heading instead of timer)

// Save our desired rotation to a variable we can add our heading correction
// adjustments to
double calculatedRotation = rotation;

double currentAngle = MathUtil.angleModulus(m_gyro.getRotation2d().getRadians());

// If we are not translating or if not enough time has passed since the last
// time we rotated
if ((xSpeed == 0 && ySpeed == 0)
|| m_headingCorrectionTimer.get() < DriveConstants.kHeadingCorrectionTurningStopTime) {
// Update our desired angle
} else {
// If we are translating or if we have not rotated for a long enough time
// then maintain our desired angle
calculatedRotation = m_headingCorrectionPID.calculate(currentAngle);

// Depending on whether the robot is being driven in field relative, calculate
// the desired states for each of the modules
SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = DriveConstants.kDriveKinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(
? ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, calculatedRotation,
Robot.isReal() ? m_gyro.getRotation2d() : new Rotation2d(m_gyroAngle))
: new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, calculatedRotation));


* Resets the odometry to the specified pose.
* @param pose The pose to which to set the odometry.
public void resetOdometry(Pose2d pose) {
Robot.isReal() ? m_gyro.getRotation2d() : new Rotation2d(m_gyroAngle),
new SwerveModulePosition[] {

/** Zeroes the heading of the robot. */
public void zeroHeading() {
m_gyroAngle = 0;

* Sets the swerve ModuleStates.
* @param desiredStates The desired SwerveModule states.
public void setModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[] desiredStates) {
desiredStates, DriveConstants.kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond);

// AdvantageScope Logging
double[] logData = {
desiredStates[0].angle.getDegrees(), desiredStates[0].speedMetersPerSecond,
desiredStates[1].angle.getDegrees(), desiredStates[1].speedMetersPerSecond,
desiredStates[2].angle.getDegrees(), desiredStates[2].speedMetersPerSecond,
desiredStates[3].angle.getDegrees(), desiredStates[3].speedMetersPerSecond,
SmartDashboard.putNumberArray("AdvantageScope Swerve Desired States", logData);

// Takes the integral of the rotation speed to find the current angle for the
// simulator
m_gyroAngle += DriveConstants.kDriveKinematics.toChassisSpeeds(desiredStates).omegaRadiansPerSecond
* Robot.kDefaultPeriod;

104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/subsystems/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.

package frc.robot.subsystems;

import com.ctre.phoenix.sensors.CANCoder;
import com.ctre.phoenix.sensors.SensorTimeBase;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkMax;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkMax.IdleMode;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkMaxLowLevel.MotorType;

import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.PIDController;
import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModulePosition;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.SwerveModuleState;
import frc.robot.Constants.DriveConstants;
import frc.robot.Robot;

/** Add your docs here. */
public class SwerveModule {
private final CANSparkMax m_driveMotor;
private final CANSparkMax m_turningMotor;

private final CANCoder m_turningEncoder;

private final PIDController m_turningPIDController = new PIDController(DriveConstants.kPModuleTurningController, 0,

private SwerveModuleState m_state = new SwerveModuleState();
private double m_distance;

public double driveOutput;
public double turnOutput;

* Constructs a {@link SwerveModule}.
* @param driveMotorPort The port of the drive motor.
* @param turningMotorPort The port of the turning motor.
* @param turningEncoderPort The port of the turning encoder.
* @param driveMotorReversed Whether the drive motor is reversed.
* @param turningEncoderOffset Offset of the turning encoder.
public SwerveModule(
int driveMotorPort,
int turningMotorPort,
int turningEncoderPort,
boolean driveMotorReversed,
double turningEncoderOffset) {
m_driveMotor = new CANSparkMax(driveMotorPort, MotorType.kBrushless);
m_turningMotor = new CANSparkMax(turningMotorPort, MotorType.kBrushless);
m_turningEncoder = new CANCoder(turningEncoderPort);

// converts default units to meters per second
DriveConstants.kWheelDiameterMeters * Math.PI / 60 / DriveConstants.kDrivingGearRatio);



// converts default units of CANCoders to radians
m_turningEncoder.configFeedbackCoefficient(Math.toRadians(0.087890625), "radians", SensorTimeBase.PerSecond);

m_turningPIDController.enableContinuousInput(-Math.PI, Math.PI);

* Returns the current position of the module.
* @return The current position of the module.
public SwerveModulePosition getPosition() {
m_distance += m_state.speedMetersPerSecond * Robot.kDefaultPeriod;

// If the robot is real, then return the swerve module state by reading from the
// actual encoders
// If the robot is simulated, then return the swerve module state using the
// expected values
return Robot.isReal()
? new SwerveModulePosition(m_driveMotor.getEncoder().getPosition(),
new Rotation2d(m_turningEncoder.getAbsolutePosition()))
: new SwerveModulePosition(m_distance, m_state.angle);

* Sets the desired state for the module.
* @param desiredState Desired state with speed and angle.
public void setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState desiredState) {
m_state = SwerveModuleState.optimize(desiredState, new Rotation2d(m_turningEncoder.getAbsolutePosition()));

driveOutput = m_state.speedMetersPerSecond / DriveConstants.kMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond;

turnOutput = m_turningPIDController.calculate(m_turningEncoder.getAbsolutePosition(),

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"artifactId": "REVLib-driver",
"version": "2023.1.3",
"skipInvalidPlatforms": true,
"isJar": false,
"validPlatforms": [
"cppDependencies": [
"groupId": "com.revrobotics.frc",
"artifactId": "REVLib-cpp",
"version": "2023.1.3",
"libName": "REVLib",
"headerClassifier": "headers",
"sharedLibrary": false,
"skipInvalidPlatforms": true,
"binaryPlatforms": [
"groupId": "com.revrobotics.frc",
"artifactId": "REVLib-driver",
"version": "2023.1.3",
"libName": "REVLibDriver",
"headerClassifier": "headers",
"sharedLibrary": false,
"skipInvalidPlatforms": true,
"binaryPlatforms": [

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