This Zewail City Dashboard is an interactive web application that manages and visualizes administrative data for a university. It utilizes Flask, a micro web framework for Python, to serve web pages that dynamically display financial summaries, instructor performances, and student statistics. On the frontend, AmCharts is used for rich data visualization.
- Comprehensive financial overview with summaries, discounts, and student counts.
- Interactive data visualization for revenue per major, impact of scholarships, and distribution of scholarship holders across batches.
- Instructor performance analytics with bullet charts and ratings.
- Student academic dashboard showcasing GPA distributions, probation counts, and enrollment graphs.
Before you can run the admin dashboard, you must install the necessary dependencies:
Python: Ensure you have Python 3.10+ installed on your system. You can download it from
Git: To clone the repository, Git must be installed.
Virtual Environment (recommended): It's a good practice to create a virtual environment. You can set one up by running:
python -m venv venv
And activate it with:
On Windows:
On macOS and Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Dependencies: Install the project’s dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once dependencies are installed, you can populate the SQLite database with initial data using the provided data generation script:
Usage After installation, you can start the Flask server by running:
flask run
python -m flask run
The application will be available at by default.
The database will be stored in the file data.db in the project root directory.
The can be run to provide random data to the database.
Project Structure
│ # Main Flask application entry point
│ # Script to generate and populate the database with mock data
├── /templates # HTML templates for the application
│ │ financials.html
│ │ instructors.html
│ │ students.html
│ └ ...
├── /static # Static files such as JavaScript, Stylesheets, and images
│ │ financials.js
│ │ instructors.js
│ │ student.js
│ └ ...
├── requirements.txt # List of dependencies to be installed
└── university.db # SQLite database file
JavaScript Dependencies
amCharts: Utilized for rendering charts and graphs for the financial, instructors, and student modules.
Bootstrap: Provides styling and responsive layouts for the dashboard.
Flask Dependencies (Python)
Flask: The backbone of our web application for routing and views.
Pandas: Used for data manipulation and analysis.
SQLite: The database used with Flask for local data storage.
SQLAlchemy: An ORM and database toolkit for Python applications.
Special thanks to the amCharts team for providing powerful charting solutions used throughout this dashboard.