Download photos,reels and stories of any instagram account, public or Private(that you have access to) to your PC folders
Install instagrapi which relies on Instagrams official API for fetching content so you don't have to worry much about authorisation issues
pip install instagrapi
#Dektop application
To use the desktop app which provides buttons for easy download, as tkinter comes preinstalled with python, just clone this repository or directly download python program, modify the program to replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the username and password of your account you intend to use for downloading.Run the application, select your folder for saving the downloads, type in the username whose content you wish to download and then press on the button for what you need. Currently(March 7th 25,5am IST) unfortunately for the desktop app only download stories work perfectly.Everything else will be made fully functional and integrated into the app very soon. In the meantime, you can try out the Individual programs
- downloads all posts(meaning anything except reel)associted with an instagram account with filename post-index_date_of_posting_multiplephotoIndex.ext
- downloads all reels associted with an account and their thumbs with each filename saved as reel-index_date.ext
- downloads all stories of an account and save each story as story-index_date_timeInUtc.ext
- downloads the content associated with the url specified which can be a post or reel and saved as content_date_index.ext
- download tagged and download highlights coming soon
All the downloads have been made to run as fast as possible, but speed will ultimately depend on your network speed Kindly ignore keyError while running