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Ks Tan edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 6 revisions

Render pdf is very easy, below is the source code.

require __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php";

use simitsdk\phpjasperxml\PHPJasperXML;
$filename = __DIR__.'/sample.jrxml';

$data=[ ['user_id'=>0, 'fullname' => 'name1','email'=>'','gender'=>'M' ], 
        ['user_id'=>1, 'fullname' => 'name2','email'=>'','gender'=>'F' ], 
        ['user_id'=>2, 'fullname' => 'name3','email'=>'','gender'=>'M' ], ];

$config = ['driver'=>'array','data'=>$data];

$report = new PHPJasperXML();

You shall avoid:

  1. No any string written by echo.
  2. You shall not leave white space before <?php, or ?>
  3. in fact, we not recommend implement '?>' cause sometimes white space cause pdf cannot render correctly.
  4. When you include several files, ensure others file comply clause 1-3.

** Refer all .php example to know different kind of implementation

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