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Ahmed Castro edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 1 revision
Attribute Type Required Default Description
bullet string Bullet identifier
acceleration integer 0 Change of velocity added every frame
a_frequency integer 0 Frequency that the acceleration is applied
additional_player_hp_change double 0 Player's hit points through time, use this to apply poison or heal buffs
additional_player_velocity_x integer 0 Player's velocity change, use this to pull or push him or to in conjuction with to additional_player_velocity_y to reduce the general velocity
additional_player_velocity_y integer 0 Player's velocity change, use this to push him up or down or to in conjuction with to additional_player_velocity_x to reduce the general velocity
aim_player yes/no no Makes the bullet angle point to the player
aim_player_on_begin yes/no no Makes the bullet angle point to the player position when the bullet was created
angle integer 0 Rotation
angle_change integer 0 Rotation change through time
ac_frequency integer 0 Angle change frequency
animation_velocity integer 0 Sprite animation speed
auto_scale double 0 Bullet scale change through time
bullet_rotation integer 0 Rotates the bullet sprites withouth affecting other attributes such as the angle or hitboxes
br_change integer 0 Bullet rotation change through time
collides_bullets yes/no no If the bullet collides with an opponent's one, both would be destroyed
collides_opponent yes/no yes The bullet is able to hit the opponent
cooldown integer 0 Amount of frames between each bullet emision
duration integer -1 Amount of frames before the bullet gets destroyed, -1 is infinite
freeze yes/no no All bullet changes, such as velocity, acceleration or angle_chage are stopped
homming yes/no no Bullet will track the player
independent_br yes/no no The bullet_rotation is independent from the angle
max_velocity yes/no 9999999 Velocity cap
offset_x integer 0 Pixels offset relative to the character on the x axis on emision
offset_y integer 0 Pixels offset relative to the character on the y axis on emision
random_angle integer 0 Adds a random angle from 0 to the provided number
startup integer 0 Amount of frames before emiting the bullet for the first time
stop_ac_at integer -1 Amount of frames before stopping the angle_change, -1 means never
undestructable yes/no no The bullet can be destroyed by other bullets
velocity integer 0 Speed
modifier modifier[] Modifies a pattern in a specific frame

XML Legend

  • Bold represents the Tags.
  • Italic represents the attributes.
  • [allows multiple] : The engine recognizes multiple sibling tags declarations.
  • [integer] : The attribute is a numeric integer value. (examples: "128", "24", "53")
  • [string] : The attribute is a text string value. (example: "Basic bullet", "misc/winner/1.png", "Chuy")
  • [yes/no] : The attribute is a boolean "yes" or "no" vaule. (example: "yes", "no").
  • [mandatory] : The attribute is mandatory and has to be defined.
  • [default=X] : If the attribute is not defined, it will take the X value as default.
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