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Constructing a Bayesian inference workflow in Matflow

Aim of the project:

To construct a workflow capable of performing Bayesian inference using Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) sampling of the inputs into an Abaqus FEM model. As the MCMC sampling requires large numbers of evaluations of the model, the only practical way to do this is to use a machine-learning method to construct a statistical model and sample the statistical model instead of the Abaqus model.

The basic workflow is as follows:

  1. select a bunch of parameter samples
  2. Use the parameter samples to edit an Abaqus input file, and run each of the simulations
  3. Collect the outputs and put the relevant data into some easily computable format
  4. Take the x-y type data and convert each possible graph into a handful of coefficients using functional Principal Component Analysis (fPCA)
  5. Map the inputs to outputs by constructing a statistical model. Gaussian Process regression has so far been the favoured method
  6. Perform MCMC on the statistical model

Previous work stored in this repository:

In the repository are the scripts, and input files that directly implement most of the above steps, and the workflow runs as following:

  1. A bash script can be found in Its function is to run Abaqus a number of times while varying interface friction and thermal conductance between the sample and the machine. To do this it gathers together:

    • the python script that calls abaqus (,

    • a python script that is run within Abaqus CAE

      ( to extract data from output database (.odb) files,

    • the basic Abaqus input file 800C_1s-1_step_19.inp

    • Some output databases from the folder Abaqus_5_min_heatup, for which the relevant one for a given sample is imported into Abaqus, and is selected by modifying the relevant line in the 800C_1s-1_step_19.inp file. This ensures the sample begins the compression test with the correct temperature distribution profile for the given thermal conductance value.

  2. Once is run, it puts the model information and scripts into a folder and runs contains functions for reading in the text in 800C_1s-1_step_19.inp, changing the values of friction and thermal conductance, then writing them in to a new .inp file. Samples are chosen very simply by using nested for loops near the bottom of the script. The thermal conductance term changes both the gap conductance in the .inp file, and the imported temperature profile from the relevant .odb file.

    A pandas data frame is created to store the values of the friction and thermal conductance, and the contents of the .rpt files containing the relevant model outputs.

    The function call_abaqus_with_new_params takes as input the varying model parameters to modify the input file, the name of the input file, the directory of the output file, and the count/ number of the simulation so that the new output file may have a unique(ish) name and to find the relevant line in the pandas data frame.

    call_abaqus_with_new_params then modifies the input file to put the relevant input parameters in the right place, then Abaqus is called using said input file. Once complete, an abaqus output database (.odb) is generated, and the script is run within an Abaqus kernel to extract the most interesting data and put them into a text file with a .rpt suffix.

    Once the data is extracted as .rpt files, they are simply read into a python variable and dumped into the pandas data frame.

    The pandas Dataframe is then saved as a pickle (.pkl) file and used in the next script.

  3. As with step 1, MCMC_800_1s-1.txt is a bash script designed to put files in the same place and then run the script. It gathers together the pickle file from the previous step, some physical test data (required for the bayesian inference), and the script.

  4. is where the real magic happens. First it imports the data from the pickle file, and then puts them into nice useable numpy arrays. Then it filters some data out by NT11 values (the material data used in the model is based on a lookup table with temperatures between 700-1000 degrees, and straying outside of this causes output discontinuities that really mess with the gaussian processes)

    There is a normaliser object coded here is designed to normalise the input values between 0 and 1, and keep track of what the original values were (If the input values are numerically different orders of magnitude, that also messes with the gaussian process). The inputs are then normalised.

    Once the gaussian process is complete, a handful of the data is plotted against the gaussian process values for the given input parameters. (Although what really needs to happen is that the data is split to a training and validation set, and we plot all the validation data)

    There are various classes and likelihood functions that are wrappers for the inputs into the bayesian inference model. Don't worry too much about these at this point, we will be using Metropolis sampling to avoid using the more efficient/vastly more annoying gradient based methods.

    Pymc uses a context manager to build models. Once the sampling is complete , the data can be moved to a netcdf file for analysis in Jupyter.

How to Use Previous work:

Open surrogate_Abaqus_3_800C_1s-1.txt.

Modify the following data:

OUTPUTFILE="SFCP_800C_1s-1_imprtedodbs_cond0-1500" # Desired output file location
MAINSCRIPT="" # Script to run
IMPORTTEMPFOLER="Abaqus_5_min_heatup/" # Location of heat up .odbs
TEMPERATUREODB="800" #Temperature leave as 800
TEMPERATUREODBITERATION='22' # Number of time steps in the heat up model. Leave as 22
MODEL="800C_1s-1_setup.inp" # Model name
PLASTICITYDATA="Patryk_mat_data.txt" # Possibly redundant code, ignore
ODBREADER="" # Script to read Abaqus outputs
SUBFOLDER="Abaqus/Friction_conductance/" # Where the script and .inp file is kept

Open MCMC_800_1s-1.txt

Modify the following data:

OUTPUTFILE="MCMC_GPsurrgt_800C_1s-1_cond0-1500_20000_chain/" #Desired output file location
MAINSCRIPT="" # MCMC script, leave
MODELDATA="friction_conductance_power.pkl" # Name of the pickle file after running the previous script
MODELDATAFOLDER="scratch/SFCP_800C_1s-1_importedodbs_cond0-1500/" # Where the above pickle file is kept
SUBFOLDER="GP_surrogate_pymc/" # Where the MCMC script is kept
TESTDATAFOLDER= "Patryk_Force_time_data/" # Where the physical data Force-time data is kept
TESTDATA="800C_1s-1_csv.csv" # Physical data file


A bayesian inference workflow using matflow






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