RecoFinement is a project that should allow everyone to benefit from personalized recommendations of different multimedia contents. Many services use the principle of recommendations, whether it is the technological core of some (Netflix) or an incentive mechanism for consumption (Amazon). The advertising revenues generated by recommendation systems are substantial, which can leave a certain bias (by choosing a biased quality metric). Far from such considerations, we choose quality recommendations based solely on their relevance and user feedback.
We would like to be able to offer recommendations on various contents, in particular :
- music
- videos (films, series)
- books
- games
- applications
In order to be able to make changes to the application, you must have the necessary tools to run the application. The following command lines will install all the tools you need:
# Python 3.8 & pip
apt install python3.8 python3-pip
# To auto-create pull request from command line
python3 -m pip install pipenv git-pull-request
If you have more than one version of Python installed on your machine, the
command may execute a different version.,
See : (taking into account the desired version)
You also need to install a PostgreSQL database (config in .env
file, see: RecoFinement-api)
In order to be able to run project with docker, you must have:
# Docker & docker-compose
apt install docker-compose
How to use docker comfortably on windows
If you work on windows, I advise you to follow the instructions in this repo:
You will find the project documendation at
- A User-Interface (Angular):
- An API (Python and Flask):
- All Datas (use of Git LFS):
- Recommendation engine:
This project has a static website build with mkdocs to provide project documentation.
To launch documentation locally:
# Download all python dependencies locally
make install
# Start the documentation locally
make doc-serve
You can access your application by going to the address
You can also build static documentation (dest folder: ./site/
# Build static documentation
make doc-build
Display Makefile help (display all available targets):
# or
make help
To launch services (api and front app), please refear to their
Usually Docker uses the default subnet for container networking.
If you use our recommendation from here, you may write "DOCKER_IP=" into
# Build docker image from source (all services)
make build
# Start the container (all services)
make start
# Display logs from the running container (all services)
make logs
# Stop the container (all services)
make stop
# Destroy the container (all services)
make rm
You can also do each action for one service using:
# Internal services starting tasks
## (Re)start 'api' service only (also available: 'api-[build|logs|sh|stop|rm])
make api
## (Re)start 'postgresql' service only (also available: 'postgresql-[build|logs|sh|stop|rm])
make postgresql
## (Re)start 'front' service only (also available: 'front-[build|logs|sh|stop|rm])
make front
## (Re)start 'nginx' service only (also available: 'nginx-[build|logs|sh|stop|rm])
make nginx
Contributions are managed using github's Pull Request (PR). After cloning the master
branch of the project, use the following commands to create a new branch with its associated Pull Request
# Create a feature branch and its PR
make git-branch feat="Adds a nice feature"
# Create a bug fix branch and its PR
make git-branch fix="Fix a bug"
# Create a documentation|support branch and its PR
make git-branch doc="Adds a nice documentation or support"