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RRConstraintsPlugin is an open-source plugin for Xcode 6.1. It improves workflow for constraints based layout by adding new features to Xcode Interface Builder.


  1. Download the repository from GitHub and build the project to install the plugin. The plugin is installed in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/RRConstraintsPlugin.xcplugin.

  2. Restart Xcode for the plugin to be activated.


use Alcatraz


RRConstraintsPlugin for Xcode 6.1 only supports OS X 10.9+.


Highlight item in outline also when constraint item hovered

Grayed out and dashed lines for "Remove at build time" constraints

Color constraints based on priority (switch on/off in Editor -> Canvas)

Grayed out icons for "Remove at build time" constraints

Keep constraints when embedding to view

Distribute views horizontally/vertically (for same width/height views)

Clicking constraint in editor will show "Attribute Inspector" in utilities bar

Double clicking constraint in outline will open "Attribute Inspector" in utilities bar


Open up your terminal and paste this:

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/RRConstraintsPlugin.xcplugin


Dude, this is osom, can I help? - glad you asked! Ofcourse you can. There is 2 ways of doing this.

  1. fork, fix/add feature, create pull request
  2. create issue and ask for new features