We provide the data and code for NER testing and NER repairing of TIN, which are in the directory and TIN_Test and TIN_Repair, respectively.
python == 3.7
pytorch == 1.7.1
Transformers == 3.3.0
We provide tutorial for users about the usage of NER testing and NER repairing, which are in the corresponding directory, TIN_Test/README.md, TIN_Repair/README.md.
Our Toolkit can reduce 42.6% of the NER errors on AWS NER system, and reduce 50.6% of the NER errors on Azure NER system.
Examples of using TIN to detect the NER errors and then fix them are shown as below:
🔭:If you use any tools or datasets in this project, please kindly cite the following paper:
- Boxi Yu, Yiyan Hu, Qiuyang Mang, Wenhan Hu, Pinjia He. [ESEC/FSE'23] ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)*, 2023.
Should you have any questions, please post to the issue page, or email Boxi Yu via [email protected].