Source code for Protobot. This directory is currently using ROS 1 (Melodic) tentatively
- Install librealsense2 with dev and dbg distribution included
- Also ensure that you have the following(Install with
sudo apt-get install
):- libpcl-dev
- libeigen3-dev
- ros-melodic-costmap2d
- ros-melodic-ddynamic-reconfigure
- ros-melodic-move-base
- ros-melodic-rtabmap-ros
- ros-melodic-rtcm-msgs
- ros-melodic-smach
- Go to src/ and run
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Go back to the root directory and run
rosdep init
and thenrosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
- Build your project using
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- It is recommended to automatically source the project inside of your ~/.bashrc file. Put the following at the end of ~/.bashrc:
source <cloned directory root path>/devel/
To run simulation
- Source project at root directory using
. devel/
when first opening the shell. If you don't want to do this everytime, refer to #4 - To launch,
roslaunch protobot_bringup protobot_simulation.launch
To run on live rover (Soon)
- On live rover, ssh into it and run
roslaunch protobot_bringup protobot_onboard.launch
(Autonomous) ORroslaunch protobot_bringup protobot_teleop.launch
(Teleop) - On properly configured laptop (with correct ROS_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI pointing to own local IPv4 address and rover's local IPv4 address respectively), run
roslaunch protobot_bringup protobot_remote.launch
(Autonomous) ORroslaunch protobot_bringup protobot_remote_teleop.launch
- (Enforced by linter) Google C++ Style Guide (
- (Enforced by linter) Google Python Style Guide (
- ROS Standardizations/Guidelines, particularly
- REP-103 (
- REP-105 (
- REP-145
- Guidelines for ROS Projects