A Swift library for Gravatar Profile data access.
Gravatar is a well known service for centralizing profiles and avatar images. This library allows applications to refer to Gravatar's data instead of reinventing the wheel.
Reach out in Discussions if you have any questions. Report bugs to Issues.
Add the SwiftGravatar package to your project or via Package.swift using the address:

Feel free to peek into the code to see the whole Model as well as check the tests for usage options.
Fetching the profile from the server can be done many ways, the easiest is to use the convenience function GravatarProfile.getProfile:
import SwiftGravatar
if let profile = try await GravatarProfile.getProfile(using: "[email protected]"), let entry = profile.entry.first {
} else {
print("We have a problem...")
Code can also be retrieved by other methods and then decoded:
guard let url = URL(string: "https://en.gravatar.com/632d2f3abe7be4db174da5cb2760f0ae.json") else {
return XCTFail("Unable to parse Gravatar URL")
let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url)
let profile = try JSONDecoder().decode(GravatarProfile.self, from: data)
The request client can be leveraged to make a call to Gravatar:
func get(using email: String, on request: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<GravatarProfile> {
guard let gravatarAddy = GravatarProfile.getProfileAddress(using: email) else {
return request.eventLoop.makeFailedFuture(Abort(.badRequest))
return request.client.get(URI(string: gravatarAddy))
.flatMapThrowing { response in
guard response.status == .ok else {
return GravatarProfile(entry: [])
return try response.content.decode(GravatarProfile.self)
The data will be stored in the GravatarProfile model:
public struct GravatarProfile: Decodable {
public let entry: [Entry]
public struct Entry: Decodable {
public let id: String?
public let hash: String
public let requestHash: String
public let profileUrl: String?
public let preferredUsername: String?
public let thumbnailUrl: String?
public let photos: [Photo]?
public let name: Name?
public let displayName: String?
public let pronouns: String?
public let aboutMe: String?
public let currentLocation: String?
public let emails: [Email]?
public let ims: [InstantMessenger]?
public let accounts: [Account]?
public let urls: [Websites]?
// ... truncated ...
An easy converter from e-mail to Gravatar URL can be accessed as follows:
let myemailaddress = GravatarProfile.getProfileAddress(using: "[email protected]")
// "https://en.gravatar.com/0bc83cb571cd1c50ba6f3e8a78ef1346.json"
Contributions are very welcome. Fork the repo, make your changes, test with SwiftLint and Unit tests, commit and do a pull request.
Gravatar doesn't have an official spec of the JSON data, so there is a lot of trial and error here.
Check the list below on ideas how to help:
- DocC documentation.
- Port getProfile to FoundationNetwork based platforms (URLSession compatibility).
- Convert Photo.Type and InstantMessenger.Type from String to Enums.
- Support for Github Codespaces (Linux based).
- Separate structures into files.
- Add built-in SwiftNIO download support.
I expect this library to be used with Server-Side solutions (such as Vapor), these typically run in non-Apple environments and don't have access to the security libraries found there. For this purpose, Apple created a separate, drop-in compatible library that works there. In environments where a native library exists, it will be used instead.