Releases: RobertK66/obc_1769_core
Climb OBC R-0.8.8
This release implements the SRS Submodule with its I2C interface according to CIDD 1.0 / 24.09.2023
Usage of ObcTestTool:
- extract Zip into drive <c:\somewhere>
- check and edit usage of UARTS in the <c:\somewhere>\appsettings.json file. Replace the COMxx with your local connections for OBC Uart and/or GPS Uart
- Start the StatusConsole.exe program
'ESC' resets the UART Communication and clears the screen.
'TAB' switches the folders
On GPS Tab the only working command is '1' -> this synchronizes OBC SystemTime
for OBC Commands see OBC manual.
Climb SRS Dev Release RS-0-0-2
A special release for integrating the SRS submodule.
First Commands working are
Power Off
Power On
Sync Time
Note: OBC version build but NOT tested !!!
Climb SRS Dev Release RS-0-0-1
This is a special release of OBC Software to allow debugging and development the I2C interface with the planned SRS sub module using a OM13085 development board! Hardware connections described in User manual. The GPS Uart input can be used to synchronize the local timestamp of the OBC.
As there is no I2C interface doc at this moment this version has a single test Command
Q <adr> <len>
which makes a 'read sequence' from I2C by writing the data address byte and then reading len bytes of data. The used I2C slave address is 0x20.
Climb OBC R-0.8.7
This is a special Release for the radiation test on 2022-08-19
delivers on #28
Climb OBC R-0.8.6
Fixes this bug in ado-library
This image now can be used on LPC1769 or LPC1768 !
Internal cpu frequency reduced to 96MHz
Climb OBC R-0.8.5
New base release with Time and GPS module added.
( compatible tools version - to connect to debug UART - can be found here: )
Climb OBC R-0.8.4
This is the first (somehow) usefull release of a Climb OBC flash image runnable on OBC-EM2 hardware.
Any feedback highly appreciated, thx.!