This purpose of this software is to create a simple client/server application that makes it easier to capture and download data from a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi memory is easily exaughsted, and the post-processing steps are much faster if they are done off of the Raspberry Pi. This application allows one to remotely request a capture, then download all the data to your desktop and post-process the video there. All the images frames and some metadata (such as the exact capture command used, and final memory usage) are collected into a single .tar file that is sent back to the client for easy processing.
For information on how to get started recording high speed videos on Raspberry Pi, see this blog post:
A Guide to Recording 660FPS Video On A $6 Raspberry Pi Camera
Note that the example scripts in this repo have a lot of hard-coded paths. This is an early prototype and not well tested!
Once you have dcraw and raspiraw downloaded and built, you can launch the server on the Raspberry Pi:
Then, on your desktop client, edit the file '' to use the IP address your Raspberry Pi. Now you can do:
Now, all the video capture data should be stored in a tar file in the current directory.
Now you can do post-processing on the contents of the tar to obtain the final video. These steps assume that you have the dcraw repo at ~/dcraw and the compiled executable located at ~/dcraw/dcraw. Here is an example of processing one video:
mkdir /dev/shm/slomo
cd /dev/shm/slomo
/capture-location/2019-08-19_14-44-36.692878.tar ./
tar -xvf 2019-08-19_14-44-36.692878.tar
The processed video is now located at output.mp4
The '' may need to be edited if you have a different version of ffmpeg installed.
- Support real-time video feed to make it easier to know what the camera currently sees.
- Support more message types to get more visibility into what is happening on the Pi.
- More checking for error conditions instead of always assuming success.
- Review internals of raspiraw and see if there might be a way to do continuous recording.