Cash flow projector
A project to allow a user to create cash flow projections for bank accounts
Current Functionality
Create Bank Accounts that have associated ledger accounts
Ability to import bank statements
Rudimentary transaction matching
+/- 4 days, amount matching
support for analysis code and defining custom ledger accounts for the double entry
a transaction loaded for one bank can be matched against a transaction for another bank account for the double entry
Ability to create double entry transactions for any ledger accounts
Ability to add more ledger entries than simple double entry for more detailed analysis and breakdown
Ability to create recurring trasnactions, historic and future
Ability to ensure transactions only occur on weekdays
Ability to flag a transction as an approximation to enable Bank Statement import to fuzzy match on amount
Ability to create transactions based on %age of balances. Used for modeling compound interest etc.
Balance Corrections/Opening Balances (WIP) Ability to alter a balance on a specifed date to match the actual one (if you have gaps in you data for example)
Ability to visualise balances for bank accounts/legder accounts using High Charts
To Come, Analysis Code breakdowns for activity. i.e. how much did i spent on petrol this month, last three moths? Break down by month/year etc/
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