This project contains code for the course integrated project (KULeuven).
The authors of this project are:
Rob Mertens [email protected]
Ibe Denaux [email protected]
We would like to say thank you to the project supervisor Maarten Verbandt and omg-tools expert Ruben Van Parys.
Given: A ball-balancing robot w/ attitude/velocity control already implemented.
Task: Implement a position controller based on a 2D-camera mounted on the roof. Coding in python.
Modules: The modules/packages available for this project are:
OMG-Tools: Spline based optimization for path planning.
Zyre/Pyre: An open-source framework for proximity-based peer-to-peer applications.
ProjectEagle: Image capturing and processing.
A short discription for all files.
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The main controller file. Must be runned on the Raspberry Pi 1B.
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The script for the external pc. It receives information about the process for logging and/or plotting.
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A general script for testing the ballbot. Given at start of the assignment.
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A script containing a simulation for the position control loop.
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A test script for receiving information from the eagle-camera over the Zyre/Pyre API.
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A test script for omg-tools.
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A ballbot test script. Position control for a step error.
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Two test scripts for sending and receiving whispers w/ the Pyre API.