Before installation, please make sure you have already installed the following tools:
- Clone Mingle
git clone
- Move into the project
cd my-project/
- Create environment and activate it.
# install environment package
pip install virtualenv
# create environment
virtualenv virtualenv_name
# activate virtual environment
# Windows
# Linux
source venv/bin/activate
# Mac os
source venv/bin/activate
- Install packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To connect to PostgresSQL database rename .env.sample to .env file inside project directory and add the below variables in it.
DB_NAME= db_name
DB_USER= db_username
DB_PASSWORD= db_password
DB_HOST= db_host
DB_PORT= db_port
- Run Django app.
# runserver
python runserver
- Apply database migrations
# migrate changes
python makemigrations
python migrate