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Riminder Api Java

A java api client for riminder api.

Instalation with maven

Put the following in your pom.xml



To authenticate against the api, get your API SECRET KEY from your riminder dashboard: findApiSecret

Then create a new Riminder object with this key:

import net.riminder.riminder.Riminder;

// Authentification to api
Riminder client = new Riminder("yoursecretkey");

// Finally you can use the api!!.

Api Overview

import net.riminder.riminder.response.Token;
import net.riminder.riminder.Riminder;

Riminder client = new Riminder("some-key");

// Let's retrieve a profile.
Map<String, Token> profile = client.Profile().get("source_id", new Ident.Reference(Ident.Profile, "reference_for_a_profile"));

// And print his name !
System.out.println("This profile name is: ");


Riminder's methods usualy return a net.riminder.riminder.response.Token object in a Collection.

A Token store the value of response fields, which can be access by using the <T>as() method. For example:

import net.riminder.riminder.response.Token;

// Response -> {"name": "Natalie Test", "languages": ["french", "spanish"]}
Map<String, Token> response = create_test_response();

// Print the name.

// Print languages
for (Token lang: response.get("languages").asList())


If an error occurs while an operation an exception inherited from net.riminder.riminder.exp.RiminderException is raised.


The mentionned team is the team linked to your secret key.

_ident can be filled by both a Ident.Reference or Ident.ID object. These object represent a *_reference or a *_id field. For example:

// Let's create a profile_id.
Ident profile_id = new Ident.ID(Ident.Profile, "a profile id");
// or a filter_reference
Ident filter_reference = new Ident.Reference(Ident.Filter, "a filter_reference");

Only the data field is returned.

For details and examples see our documentation.


  • Get all filters from the team.
List<Token> resp = client.Filter().list();
  • Get a specific filter.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Filter().get(filter_ident);

More details about filters are available here


  • Retrieve the profiles information associated with specified source ids.
    • listOptions type is net.riminder.riminder.route.Profile.Listoptions
      • a filled source_ids is required.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().list(listOptions);

Listoptions class:

    public class Listoptions
        public List<String> source_ids;
        public String seniority;
        public String filter_id;
        public String filter_reference;
        public String stage;
        public Integer rating;
        public Long date_start;
        public Long date_end;
        public Integer page;
        public Integer limit;
        public String sort_by;
        public String order_by;
  • Add a new profile to a source on the platform.
    • source_id and file_path are required
    • file_path is the path to the file to be uploaded.
    • training_metadatas type is List<TrainingMetadata>
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().add(source_id, file_path, profile_reference, timestamp_reception, training_metadatas);
  • Get a specific profile.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().get(source_id, profile_ident);
  • Get attachements of a specific profile.
List<Token> resp = client.Profile().Document().list(source_id, profile_ident);
  • Get parsing result of a specific profile.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().Parsing().get(source_id, profile_ident);
  • Get scoring result of a specific profile.
List<Token> resp = client.Profile().Scoring().list(source_id, profile_ident);
  • Reveal interpretability result of a specific profile with a specific filter.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().Revealing().get(source_id, profile_ident, filter_ident);
  • Set stage of a specific profile for a specified filter.
    • stage is required.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().Stage().set(source_id, stage, profile_id, profile_reference, filter_id, filter_reference);
  • Set rating of a specific profile for a specified filter.
    • rating (int) is required.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().Stage().set(source_id, rating, profile_id, profile_reference, filter_id, filter_reference);
  • Check if a parsed profile is valid.
    • profile_data (net.riminder.riminder.route.Profile.ProfileJson) is the parsed profile you want to check, can be called "profile_json".
    • training_metadata type is List (net.riminder.riminder.route.Profile.TrainingMetadata)
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().Json().check(profile_data, training_metadata);
  • Add a parsed profile to a source on the platform.
    • profile_data (net.riminder.riminder.route.Profile.ProfileJson) is the parsed profile you want to add, can be called "profile_json".
    • training_metadata type is List (net.riminder.riminder.route.Profile.TrainingMetadata)
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Profile().Json().add(source_id, profile_data, profile_reference, timestamp_reception, training_metadata);

More details about profiles are available here


  • Get all source from the team.
List<Token> resp = client.Source().list();
  • Get a specific filter.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Source().get(source_id);

More details about profiles are available here


Webhooks methods permit you handle webhook events.

  • Check if team's webhook integration is working.
Map<String, Token> resp = client.Webhooks().check();
  • Set an handler for a specified webhook event.
    • handler type is net.riminder.riminder.route.Webhooks.MessageHandler
      • data received by the webhook are store in webhook_data.
      • webhook_data is a Map<String, Token>.
      • eventName is type field of the webhook.


public static interface MessageHandler
    public void handle(String eventName, Map<String, Token> webhook_data);
client.Webhooks().setHandler(eventname, handler);
  • Check if there is an handler for a specified event
  • Remove the handler for an event
  • Start the selected handler depending of the event given.
    • signatureHeader is webhook request "HTTP-RIMINDER-SIGNATURE" header value.
client.Webhooks().handle(headers, signatureHeader)


import net.riminder.riminder.Riminder;
import net.riminder.riminder.response.Token;
import net.riminder.riminder.route.Webhooks;
import net.riminder.riminder.route.Webhooks.MessageHandler;

public class Example
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        Riminder client = new Riminder("apikey");

        // Define an handler
        MessageHandler handler = new MessageHandler(){

            public void handle(String eventName, Map<String, Token> webhook_data) {
                // some treatment

        // Set the handler for an event
        client.Webhooks().setHandler(Webhooks.EventNames.PROFILE_PARSE_SUCCESS, handler);

        // Get the header of the request by webhook
        Map<String, String> rcvheaders = fct_that_get_webhook_request();

        // Handle an event
        client.Webhooks().handle(headers: rcvheaders.get("HTTP-RIMINDER-SIGNATURE"));

More details about webhooks are available here


Some tests are available. To run them follow these steps:

  • git clone
  • cd java-riminder-api/riminder.Tests
  • ...

Help and documentation

If you need some more details about the api methods and routes see Riminder API Docs.

If you need further explainations about how the api works see Riminder API Overview


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