Do you like a huge excess of Town NPCs? Do you enjoy managing the happiness of 25 extra Town NPCs? Ever wanted bosses that you have defeated to move in as Town NPCs?
Well this is the mod for you!
Each vanilla boss has their own Town NPC that will arrive after the respective boss has been killed. Each Town NPC sells their boss drops. Expert and Master Mode items are included for their respective difficulties.
Prices are based on: If the item is a 100% drop: Sell value * 5 If the item is not a 100% drop: Sell value / drop chance This makes rarer items more expensive. The drop chance used in the calculations are (usually) the normal mode drop chance. Exceptions are made for boss summon items and a few other items like the Terraprisma.
Contains a config file to disable certain Town NPCs from spawning and other options.
See a complete shop list and other information on this mod's wiki page!
Steam Workshop:
Additional credits: - 中文翻译:不呆不是天辰 (Chinese Translation: TianChen)